As pet owners, we want our furry friends to be happy and healthy. However, if they are not eating, it can be difficult for them to achieve that. One possible reason for your dog’s loss of appetite could be a dental problem. In this guide, we will explore various mouth infections that dogs can develop and their necessary treatments. Additionally, we will provide you with a list of 15 home remedies that include antiseptics, antibacterials, and natural antibiotics to help speed up your pet’s recovery. By following these tips, you can ensure that your dog stays energetic, playful, and well-fed.
Understanding and Treating Common Dog Mouth Infections
As pet owners, we all want to ensure our furry friends are healthy and happy. One area of their health that is often overlooked is their dental health. A dog’s mouth is a hotbed of bacteria, and if not properly maintained, it can lead to various infections and oral diseases. This blog post will discuss some common types of dog mouth infections and provide home remedies to treat them.
How to Treat Your Dog’s Abscess Tooth at Home
A tooth abscess is a painful infection when bacteria enter the tooth’s pulp and affect the surrounding tissues. This infection can cause severe pain, swelling, and fever in your dog. You should consult your veterinarian to treat a tooth abscess at home as early treatment is required. Sometimes, your vet may prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria or extract the affected tooth to prevent the spread of infection. You can also use warm salt water to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief to your dog.
If you have an easy-going dog, then it will be easy to get the abscess away as well by filling a small cotton cloth with calendula en salt or Ceylon cinnamon and salt and keeping the cotton cloth on top of the abscess for over 4 hours (probably not consecutive due to the dog’s cooperation). It should take the abscess away in just two days. This also works perfectly well for humans!
In case the dog isn’t so easygoing then I suggest rinsing the area with these herbs 4-5 times a day. See more specifications below.
Dog Gum Disease: Gingivitis or Periodontitis Home Remedies
Gingivitis is a common gum disease affecting dogs of all ages. The most common signs of gingivitis include bad breath, swollen gums, and bleeding gums. Left untreated, it can lead to more severe oral diseases such as periodontitis and tooth loss. To treat this infection at home, brush your dog’s teeth regularly and use an antiseptic solution such as coconut oil, baking soda or any other remedy listed down below to reduce the amount of bacteria in their mouth. You can also give them dental chews that contain enzymes and antimicrobial properties to control the bacterial growth in their mouth.
Periodontitis is a severe gum disease that affects the structures supporting the teeth, including the gums, ligaments, and bones. This infection can cause tooth loss, pain, and difficulty eating in your dog. You should visit your veterinarian for professional cleaning and treatment to treat this infection. You can also maintain good dental hygiene by brushing your dog’s teeth regularly and providing them with dental chews. Avoid feeding your dog hard kibble or bones that can cause damage to their teeth and gums.
Add coconut oil to your dog’s diet – Coconut oil is an excellent natural remedy for dog gum disease. It has antimicrobial properties can help kill bacteria in your dog’s mouth, thereby preventing gum disease. You can add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your dog’s food or apply it to your dog’s gums using a cotton swab.
Use herbal remedies – Certain herbs such as turmeric, neem, and parsley are known for their ability to promote gum health in dogs. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Neem oil, however, is antibacterial and antifungal, making it an effective remedy for gum diseases. Mix these herbs with your dog’s food or rinse their mouth using herbal-infused water.
Effective Home Remedies for Dog Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is caused by the accumulation of bacteria on the teeth, leading to a breakdown of the enamel and dentin. Signs of tooth decay in dogs include bad breath, discoloured teeth, and visible holes in their teeth. To prevent tooth decay, ensure that your dog’s diet is balanced and includes foods low in sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore a primary remedy is to change the dog’s diet to something that contains mainly protein and all-natural ingredients. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly to remove any plaque or tartar buildup that can cause dental problems, including antibacterial mouth rinse. The most accessible mouth rinse would be a mixture of a couple of drops of oregano essential oil and coconut oil with water.
Curing Dog Mouth Sores
Mouth sores can be caused by various factors, including bacterial infections, viruses, allergies, and injuries. The symptoms of mouth sores in dogs include pain, drooling, and difficulty eating. To treat mouth sores at home, rinse your dog’s mouth with salt water and apply a topical antiseptic solution to promote healing. Depending on the underlying cause of the mouth sores, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or other medication to manage the symptoms.
15 Dog Tooth Infection Home Treatments
The following remedies use common and uncommon ingredients. You may want to start with the ones that use ingredients you already have on hand at home, and then if they do not work, you can try the ones with ingredients you will have to buy.
Not every remedy works in every situation, so you may need to try a few to find one that works. Also, be aware of any side effects, such as allergic reactions, especially when using ingredients you are not familiar with.
Above all, you should only try home remedies if the vet has checked your dog. Some tooth infections are severe and require medical attention to avoid severe complications.
1. Baking soda for Dog Mouth Infection
Baking soda is one of the safest and most convenient home remedies to prevent and treat a dog tooth infection. Besides being abrasive to help remove tartar and plaque, it is also alkaline, which helps to eliminate the acidic environment that infection-causing bacteria enjoy.
What to do:
- Moisten a soft-bristled toothbrush and dip it in baking soda. Loading the brush-up is unnecessary because a little goes a long way.
- Gently brush your dog’s teeth. You do not need to apply pressure and won’t be able to if your dog’s teeth are sensitive.
- Repeat this at least 3 to 4 times weekly, but daily is a good idea.

2. Calendula
One of the great things about calendula or pot marigold is that it is gentle and promotes wound healing. This flower makes an excellent home remedy for dog tooth infections. Besides being antiviral and antibacterial, calendula is also anti-inflammatory and antigenotoxic, which will help relieve your dog’s teeth and is entirely safe for it to swallow.
What to do:
- Place 1 Tbsp of dried calendula flowers in a cup.
- Pour 1 cup of hot water over the flowers, cover and allow it to steep until it cools.
- Dip a cotton swab in the tea and apply it to the swollen gums of your dog.
- Repeat this 2 to 3 times daily until the condition improves.
3. Cure Dog Tooth Infections with Ceylon cinnamon
There are many excellent properties to help with dog tooth infections in Ceylon cinnamon, making it an excellent home remedy to keep on hand. It is a mild anaesthetic that helps dissolve food particles stuck between teeth. Ceylon cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic to boot.
What to do:
- You can mix 1/8 tsp per day for small dogs, ¼ tsp per day for medium dogs, and ½ tsp per day of Ceylon cinnamon for larger dogs in their food.
- Ceylon cinnamon essential oil can be substituted for powdered cinnamon at the dosage of 2 drops, 4 drops and 6 drops, respectively.
- You can also mix Ceylon cinnamon into baking powder for brushing.
4. Coconut Oil Home Remedies for Dog Tooth Abscess
Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies to prevent tooth decay and relieve a dog’s tooth infection. Besides being anti-inflammatory to help reduce pain, it is also antimicrobial to remove problem-causing bacteria and helps harden tooth enamel.
What to do:
- Simply dip a fine-bristled toothbrush in coconut oil and gently brush your dog’s teeth.
- Mix 1 part baking soda and 1 part coconut oil to make more of a paste.
- Add a little powdered cinnamon to boost it if you like.
- Brush your dog’s teeth at least 3 to 4 times weekly, but daily will offer the best results.
5. Echinacea As Natural Dog Antibiotic
Most consider Echinacea a cold remedy and an excellent home remedy for a dog tooth infection. The periodontal assisting properties found in this herb include anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and analgesic. Echinacea helps rid your dog’s teeth of harmful bacteria while relieving pain and discomfort.
What to do:
- Brew a strong cup of Echinacea tea.
- Cover the cup and allow the tea to cool.
- Use a cotton swab to rub the tea on your dog’s gums.
- Repeat this 2 or 3 times per day until the infection is gone.
6. Feverfew
Also, among the best herbal home remedies for dog tooth infections is feverfew. The active compound in feverfew, which helps fight the infection, is parthenolide. Parthenolide inhibits the release of inflammatory enzymes, which cause pain and swelling in your dog’s gums.
What to do:
- Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 tsp of dry feverfew leaves into a cup.
- Cover the cup and allow the tea to steep until it is cool.
- Use a cotton swab to apply the tea to your dog’s inflamed gums.
- Repeat this 2 to 3 times daily until the inflammation and pain subsides.
7. Fragaria vesca: Home Remedy for Dog Tooth Infections
When softening and removing tartar and plaque, few home remedies are more effective than Fragaria vesca. Dog tooth infections caused by the buildup of tartar and plaque can be prevented and relieved through Fragaria vesca and gentle brushing to keep the teeth and gums clean.
What to do:
- Soak three gregarine vesica pellets in ¼ cup of warm water for 5 minutes.
- After 5 minutes, remove the pellets from the water.
- Using a cotton swab and the tea left from soaking the pellets.
- Repeat this 3 to 4 times weekly.
8. Cure Dog Tooth Infections with Goldenseal
Another popular herb in several home remedies is also effective for relieving your dog’s tooth infection. Goldenseal’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it perfect for reducing inflammation and getting rid of the infection. Caution must be taken with pregnant or nursing dogs when using this herb.
What to do:
- Place ½ tsp of goldenseal root powder in a cup and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it.
- Mix well, cover and allow it to cool for an hour.
- Strain the liquid and use a syringe to squirt the liquid between your dog’s teeth.
- Follow up by rinsing with plain water in the same manner.
9. Grapefruit Seed Extract: Home Remedy for Dog Tooth Infections
Often shortened to GSE, this extract from the grapefruit seed is a top home remedy for several different types of infections, and it will work on your dog’s tooth infection as well. The list of beneficial properties for GSE is extensive, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory. Using GSE is a safe and effective way to get rid of the bacteria causing the infection and bring your dog some relief from the swelling and pain.
What to do:
- Mix 2 drops of GSE in 1 tsp of coconut oil.
- Use a cotton swab to rub the mixture over your dog’s inflamed gums.
- Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times daily until the condition improves.
10. Kefir: Easy Home Remedies for Dog Tooth Infections
To help fight off dog tooth infections, among the best home remedies is serving the fermented dairy product kefir to your dog regularly. The high amount of phosphorus and B complex vitamins found in kefir not only strengthens teeth and gums but is also necessary for rapid wound healing. Additionally, kefir is a rich source of good bacteria to help enhance your dog’s digestion.
What to do:
- Mix 1 tsp of honey and a little cinnamon in a glass of kefir and feed it to your dog at least 3 times weekly.
11. Manuka Honey
New Zealand’s bees produce an excellent home remedy for dog tooth infections known as manuka honey. This honey is well known for containing antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. Additionally, it helps to heal wounds as it fights off infection.
What to do:
- Mix 1 tsp of honey and a little cinnamon in a glass of kefir and feed it to your dog at least 3 times weekly.
- You can also create a paste by mixing equal parts honey and baking soda to use for brushing your dog’s teeth.
12. Myrrh Oil
Used regularly for dental care in humans, myrrh is also safe and effective for getting rid of a dog’s tooth infection. Treating swollen gums, mouth ulcers, and other oral infections is typical for this ancient herb. It includes anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and astringent properties that make it effective.
What to do:
- Using a cotton swab, rub a couple of drops of myrrh oil on your dog’s gums several times per week to inhibit the growth of bacteria and relieve inflammation.
13. Cure Dog Tooth Infections with Oil of Oregano
Also among the effective essential oils for treating dog tooth infections is the oil of oregano. This powerful herb has antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties as well. It is a great home remedy to help relieve the discomfort of a tooth infection.
What to do:
- Blend 2 to 3 drops of oil of oregano in 2 tsp of coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
- Utilize a cotton swab to rub on your dog’s gums 2 to 3 times daily until the infection is gone.
14. Oregon Grape Root
Be sure not to confuse this home remedy with grapes and raisins, which are toxic for dogs. Oregon grape root provides antibiotic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory agents to help relieve your dog’s tooth infection. Though it is safe the way it is used in this remedy, it should not be used with pregnant or nursing dogs.
What to do:
- Use a cotton swab to rub a few drops of Oregon grape root tincture on your dog’s gums.
- You can purchase it or make the Oregano tincture yourself.
- Repeat this a couple of times daily until the infection subsides.

15. Vitamin C: Easy Home Remedie for Dog Tooth Infections
Preventing dog tooth infections can be as easy as using vitamin C as a home remedy. Because a deficiency of vitamin C often brings on infection, gum disease, and gingivitis, it only makes sense to help support your dog’s defence system through vitamin C.
What to do:
- Grind up vitamin C tablets into a powder.
- Mix ½ tsp of the powder with 1 cup of warm water.
- Use the liquid to brush your dog’s teeth gently.
- Powdered vitamin C can also be added to the brushing recipes mentioned above.
- Brush your dog’s teeth at least 3 to 4 times weekly or daily for best results.
Natural Antibiotic for Dog Tooth Infection
Ensuring your dog is healthy and happy is a top priority since he or she is a family member. You can keep them healthy using one or more of our 15 dog tooth infection home remedies. We’d also recommend having your dog on an all-natural canine diet, as some dogfood are filled with toxins that don’t support their system. To take it a step further and, for older dogs, this probiotic works wonders, helping their entire system get back on track.
It can end your dog’s diarrhoea, vomiting, and other digestive issues.
Helps clear up their allergies, itchy skin, and obsessive paw licking.
Gives them a shiny, Westminster Worthy coat.
And even helps improve their joints, mobility, and energy.
Our pets are not exempted from tooth cavities. Your dog’s tooth infection can be remedied using one of these remedies you can do in your own home. Some of these tips may be effective depending on your dog. That is why, if it is a severe problem, consult your veterinarian to help your pals. You have to oversee them since they can’t tell you verbally when they are in pain. From time to time, have them visit a Vet shop.