26 Easy Home Remedies for Fever Blisters

home remedies for fever blisters

Fever blisters (or cold sores) are painful sores, which occur on lips, cheeks, chin, fingers, nostrils, or even genitals. These are caused by a virus, named ‘herpes simplex’. Fever blisters are contagious and are usually mistaken to be canker sores (which are actually mouth ulcers and occur inside the mouth). Several cures are available for soothing and healing fever blisters. Before going for any medication, you can also use the home remedies for fever blisters or ingredients from your kitchen counter to get rid of the fever blisters.

Both fever blisters and genital herpes can infect a person orally and/or genitally. The viral infections cause milder symptoms outside of their usual infection location. Fever blisters or cold sores usually infect above the waist, and genital herpes infects below the waist.

What Are the Causes of Fever Blisters?

  • Kissing, hugging or close contact with a person who has fever blisters
  • Through indirect contacts, like sharing a towel/handkerchief or lip balm of the infected person
  • A virus can easily spread through cuts or bruises on the skin
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Lip injury
  • Dental treatment
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes

What are the Symptoms of Fever Blisters?

  • Small, red blisters filled with fluid
  • Pain and irritation
  • Itchiness
  • A headache
  • Fever
  • Swollen lips
  • Swelling of lymph nodes

Video: 10 Home Remedies For Fever Blisters


Natural Home Remedies for Fever Blisters

Following are the remedies in order to get rid of fever blisters fast at home:

1. Apply Ice

This is the simplest home remedy for treating fever blisters on lips. Gently rub ice on the blister for some time, after every hour. Repeat this process until the blister lessens.

2. Lemon Balm Tea

Make lemon balm tea and soak a cotton ball into it. Now, apply it on the blister for a simple treatment for fever blisters. Lemon balm is one of the best treatments for fever blisters.

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3. Tea Bag

One of the simplest and cheapest home remedies for fever blisters on lips is tea. Gently press a warm tea bag on the blister for about 30 minutes. Repeat it several times a day.

4. Egg and Yoghurt

Treat fever with one of the best home remedies for fever blisters in adults. You can make a facial mask of egg and yogurt and apply it on the blisters. You just need to mix 1 egg with one cup of yogurt and a bit of manuka honey. Egg and yogurt will help soothe the fever blister to a great extent.

5. Aloe Vera

Apply fresh aloe vera juice or aloe vera gel on the blister. Let it sit for a few minutes. Aloe vera is a good cure for fever blisters as it quickly heals any type of skin infection.

6. Witch Hazel

To treat cold sores, soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to the fever blister. Witch hazel is a good remedy to put on fever blisters.

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7. Common Salt

Moisten your finger and insert it in common salt. Now, place it on the blister. Common salt will help in healing the fever blister.

8. Baking Soda

Mix some baking soda with a little water to form a thick paste. Now, apply it over the blister. This will soothe and quicken the healing time of the fever blister.

9. Licorice

Natural remedies like licorice are not as expensive as some people think. Take some licorice powder and spread it over the blister. This is another good cure for fever blisters. You can also boil some licorice root- let it cool and dab the cotton in the licorice water and apply it to fever blisters.

10. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is one of the best things for fever blisters. Apply some peppermint oil on the blister to get away with the problem.

11. Cold Milk

Dip a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it on the fever blisters. It will heal the fever blisters.

12. Onion

Slice a raw onion and gently rub it on the blisters. Onions are anti-inflammatory, and therefore, give relief from fever blisters.

13. Grapefruit Seed

Add some aloe vera to 2-3 drops of grapefruit seed extract and apply it on the blister. Grapefruit seeds have antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and quickly heal up the fever blisters.

14. Lysine Supplements

It has been found that lysine slows down the spread of the virus – ‘herpes simplex’, which triggers fever blisters. Therefore, 1000 mg of lysine is recommended in a day to stop fever blisters.

15. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is another effective home remedy for fever blisters on lips. You just need to apply some toothpaste to the blister. Let it remain for some time. Repeat it several times to speed up the healing process. Toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate that works to cure the fever blisters.

16. Plum Juice

Plum juice is one of the best home remedies for fever blisters in the mouth. Rinse your mouth with some fresh plum juice. Plum juice is also effective in relieving the pain, caused due to fever blisters. You can also apply it on the blisters using a cotton ball.

17. Rhubarb and Sage Cream

A combination of rhubarb and sage cream is an effective remedy for fever blisters.

18. Reishi and Astragalus

A combination of Reishi mushroom and astragalus is a useful home remedy for treating fever blisters as it controls the spreading of herpes simplex virus. You can also apply 600 mg of Reishi powder or can take its supplement once or twice every day in order to alleviate fever blisters.

19. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent anti-bacterial and good for almost all skin infections. Therefore, you can treat the fever blister with tea tree oil by diluting it properly with enough water, and then, apply it when the initial symptoms of fever blisters begin to surface. Tea tree oil will prevent the blister from worsening more.

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20. Vicks Vaporub

Apply a bit of Vicks vapor rub on the fever blister as it starts appearing. This will help to prevent the itchiness on the fever blister.

21. Apple Cider Vinegar

Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the fever blister. Apple cider vinegar is a good anti-bacterial and helps in drying out the fever blister while also maintaining the pH balance of the skin.

22. Hydrogen Peroxide

Dab a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and place it on the fever blister for some time. The anti-bacterial property of hydrogen peroxide efficiently heals the blister while killing all the bacteria.

23. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most common remedies that work for various skin ailments. Make a paste of 2-3 cloves of garlic and apply it regularly. Let it be on the fever blister at least for 15 minutes. Garlic is a good antibiotic and helps to kill the bacteria, causing fever blisters.

24. Vaseline

In order to prevent the bacteria from spreading more, always cover the fever blisters with petroleum jelly. You can buy petroleum jelly anywhere and it’s not expensive.

25. Use Over-the-counter Painkillers

Painkillers, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin can be taken to get relief from painful fever blisters.

26. Apply Anti-viral Ointments

Topical medicated creams can be applied to cure fever blisters, such as tromantadine and docosanol.

Homeopathic Remedies to Heal Fever Blisters

Besides home remedies, homeopathic remedies are also the economic and safe method to boost the natural healing ability of the body. Following homeopathic remedies work wonders in curing fever blisters.

1. Arsenicum album

This homeopathic remedy works well in alleviating the fever blisters, like itchiness, burning sensation, and swelling.

2. Natrum muriaticum

It gives relief from itching and inflamed fever blisters.

3. Borax

This can be used to get relieve the itchy feeling, caused by fever blisters.

4. Apis mellifica

Fever blisters with a sensation of burning and tingling can greatly be relieved by this homeopathic remedy.

Other homeopathic remedies to treat fever blisters are Mezereum,

Capsicum Annuum, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Mentha Piperita and Rhus Toxicodendron.

How to prevent fever blisters?

Cold sores are contagious meaning they can spread from person to person. The viral infection can spread even when someone does not have an active sore.

Some common methods to prevent fever blisters are:

  • Use zinc lozenges as these are good for boosting up the immune system and preventing fever blisters.
  • Stress also causes fever blisters, so don’t take the stress.
  • Avoid touching the blister as it may spread the bacteria to other parts of the body, like eyes or chin.
  • Avoid mouth-to-body contact with the infected person, like hugging or kissing.
  • Apply sunscreen on your lips. Fever blisters are also caused due to excessive sun- exposure of skin.
  • Change your toothbrush, once the fever blister has vanished, in order to prevent the infection again.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and lukewarm water. This can help wash the virus from your hands and prevent it from spreading further
  • Do not share any items that might touch your mouth, especially when a sore is present.
  • Avoid skin-to-skin contact with others when cold sores are present. This includes kissing, sexual contact, and contact sports.


Try out some of these home remedies. Always begin with a small amount of your chosen remedy to see how your body reacts, and discontinue use if it gives a negative impact on you. Do not continue any home treatments if the outbreak gets worse. However, a lot of these remedies are very useful. It will be helpful. However, if your condition is worse, consult your doctor.