Accidents happen and one of the consequences that often goes along with them are bruises. Those dark purple blotches can be unattractive and downright embarrassing. But discovering how to get rid of bruises is not nearly as difficult as you might think. In fact, there are some pretty impressive remedies which you can use at home and we are about to show you 15 of those.
Please keep in mind that some bruises are a result of more serious conditions. Therefore, you should consult a health care professional for advise and treatment rather than looking to our home remedies as all inclusive cures.
How to Get Rid of Bruises by Using Any of These 15 Items
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
When it comes to learning how to get rid of bruises, apple cider vinegar is deservedly at the top of the list. This natural anti-inflammatory agent will not only get rid of swelling, but its vitamin and mineral content will help the bruise heal more rapidly.
What to do:
- In a 1 to 1 mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water, soak a cloth or paper towel.
- Wring out the excess water and place it on the affected area for about 10 minutes.
- Or, place a piece of raw or roasted onion in apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes or so. Then, apply the onion to the affected area for about 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Essential Oil Blend
Essential oils have a lot of healing properties and some of them are very effective when it comes to how to get rid of bruises. The blend of essential oils we list below will encourage circulation and help to disperse pooled blood, making your bruise disappear.
What to do:
- Add 5 drops calendula oil, 2 drops of fennel oil and 1 drop of cypress oil to 1 Tbsp of coconut or olive oil.
- Gently massage the above mixture of oils into the bruised area for a few minutes.
- Repeat this a couple of times a day until the bruise is gone.
3. St. John’s Wort
Though St. John’s Wort is most often connected with helping heal depression, it is also an effective remedy for how to get rid of bruises. This potent herb is also an analgesic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
What to do:
- Apply several drops of St. John’s Wort extract to the affected area and rub it into the skin.
- Another remedy using St. John’s Wort is to steep 2 Tbsp of the herb in 1 cup of boiled water for 10 minutes, and then straining and drinking the tea in order to work from the inside out.
- Repeat either of these remedies a couple times a day.
4. Ice Packs
One of the simplest remedies for learning how to get rid of bruises is ice. Everyone knows that ice reduces pain and swelling. But it also helps to constrict blood vessels in the affected area and stops the spreading of the bruise.
What to do:
- In a thin towel or cloth, wrap a package of frozen peas or a bag of crushed ice.
- Apply the ice to the affected area for up to 15 minutes.
- You can repeat this every few hours during the first 24 hours after the bruise first appeared.
- Make sure not to put ice directly on your skin or you might give yourself frostbite.
5. Arnica
The herb, arnica, might not be all that common to you, but maybe it ought to be. When it comes to how to get rid of bruises, arnica reduces pain and inflammation while encouraging circulation which moves pooled blood out of the area.
What to do:
- Make a tincture out of arnica.
- Gently rub the tincture into the affected area several times each day.
6. Pineapple
When it comes to seeing how to get rid of bruises, you might not have pineapple on your mind. Pineapple contains a protein digesting enzyme called bromelain. This compound contains excellent anti-inflammatory properties for reducing swelling and breaking up pooled blood.
What to do:
- Save pineapple stems, husks and core.
- Boil all of these pineapple parts in a large pot of water for about an hour. Toss the stem in with your compost, but add the rest along with the boiled water into a blender to make a puree. Press the pineapple puree through a strainer and set the pulp aside, adding the remaining water from the pot to make juice. You can drink this juice 3 or 4 times a day.
- Apply the pulp to the affected area and cover it with plastic wrap for 20 to 30 minutes before removing and rinsing. You can repeat this a few times a day as well.
7. Comfrey
An old world remedy for how to get rid of bruises comes from comfrey, which is touted as being able to heal broken bones. It will also heal bruises using the same potent anti-inflammatory and healing compounds.
What to do:
- Boil ½ cup of water and then remove it from the heat.
- Steep 1 Tbsp of dried comfrey or ¼ cup of fresh comfrey in the cup of water for 15 minutes.
- Allow the mixture to cool and then place the moist leaves on the affected area and cover it with plastic wrap.
- After 30 minutes or so, you can remove the poultice and rinse.
- Repeat this several times per day.
8. Vitamin K
One of the most important vitamins for regulating blood clotting is vitamin K and it is very effective when it comes to how to get rid of bruises as well. Be sure not to use this remedy if you are taking blood thinning medications or are at risk for blood clotting.
What to do:
- Gently massage a vitamin K cream on the affected area a couple times per day.
- Consuming foods rich in vitamin K will also boost levels in the blood. Vitamin K rich foods include spinach, kale, lettuce and other leafy green vegetables as well as alfalfa and broccoli.
- Alfalfa tablets make an excellent supplement to consider.

9. Herbal Tea Compress
Making a compress of herbal teas is another remedy for how to get rid of bruises. The combination of the herbal teas listed below is effective at soothing the pain and reducing swelling of the affected area.
What to do:
- Boil 1 cup of water and remove it from heat.
- Add in 1 tsp each of dried lavender and chamomile flowers.
- Cover and allow the tea to steep for 15 to 20 minutes before straining out the flowers.
- Refrigerate the solution for several hours or place it in the freezer until ice starts to form on top.
- Soak a cloth in the tea and use it as a cold compress on the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.
- You can repeat this several times a day in the first 24 hours after the bruise appeared.
10. Witch Hazel
A warm bath in witch hazel is also effective when it comes to how to get rid of bruises. Witch hazel improves blood circulation, which helps heal bruises.
What to do:
- Add 2 cups of witch hazel to a tub full of warm water.
- Relax and enjoy the bath for 30 to 45 minutes.
- Repeat this daily for a few days.
11. Cabbage
You probably didn’t expect to see cabbage on our list of how to get rid of bruises. Believe it or not, cabbage has a lot of compounds in it which can help reduce swelling and heal bruises.
What to do:
- Place several cabbage leaves in a blender or food processor and create a puree.
- Apply the pureed cabbage to the affected area and cover it with plastic wrap.
- After 30 minutes or so, you can remove the wrap and cabbage and rinse the area.
- Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day until the bruise is gone.
12. Aloe Vera
When it comes to how to get rid of bruises or soothe almost any tissue injury, few ingredients are more effective than aloe vera. This potent miracle gel provides relief from pain and swelling while adding the necessary vitamins and minerals to promote healing.
What to do:
- Split an aloe vera chute lengthwise and extract the gel from inside.
- Apply the gel directly to the affected area, massaging it in gently.
- Repeat this process 3 or 4 times daily until the bruise is gone.
13. Egg Rolling
This is probably one of the strangest remedies you will come across. But egg rolling is an effective means for learning how to get rid of bruises. The proteins and other compounds in eggs help to reduce inflammation and break up the bruise.
What to do:
- Hard boil an egg and peel off the shell.
- While the egg is still warm, gently roll it over the bruise.
- You can repeat this remedy a few times per day.
14. Onion
Another highly effective anti-inflammatory agent that is useful for how to get rid of bruises is onion and it is one of the most simple solutions on our list. The sulfuric compounds in onions help to reduce swelling and heal bruises.
What to do:
- Cut a raw onion in half.
- Rub the moist side of the onion over the affected area.
- Allow the juice to dry for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.
- Repeat this 3 to 4 times daily.
15. Mullein Flowers
When it comes to how to get rid of bruises another less well-known remedy, but one you ought to keep on hand for a number of issues and conditions is mullein flowers. Not only do mullein flowers help decrease swelling, but they will help fade the bruise as well.
What to do:
- Heat up ¼ cup of olive oil on the stove.
- Remove the oil from the heat and add in 1 Tbsp of dried mullein flowers.
- Cover and allow the flowers to steep in the oil until the oil is room temperature.
- Massage the oil mixture into the affected area 3 to 4 times daily.
Wrapping Up
As unsightly and embarrassing as they tend to be, it is no wonder that just about everyone wants to know how to get rid of bruises. You don’t have to wait for bruises to fade away on their own; you can speed up the process by making use of one or more of the remedies we listed above.
If you have questions, comments or your own remedies you would like to add to our list, please comment below.
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