Mainly caused by gingivitis or chipped enamel, a tooth abscess is an infection in the tooth pulp or along the tooth’s root canal, which can be very painful. The pain that our teeth bring is very bothersome. It affects you completely. It’s a headache that you just want to get rid of, isn’t it? Well, we got you covered! Here are 11 remedies that you could do to treat it at home. We hope that you will find relief through this list. Although if it is already in an unbearable condition, we suggest that you seek professional attention to have a more accurate evaluation of your state.
An abscessed tooth, or a dental abscess, develops pus inside the tooth and usually causes (more or less) toothache. Bacteria, viruses, or fungi may enter the abscessed tooth and multiply, spreading the infection to the jaw and even the neck and sinuses.
If not treated on time, a dental abscess may result in severe life-threatening hitches as the bacteria in the abscess can travel to nearby tissues and bones and cause an infection to the sinuses, jaw, or – in severe cases, the brain.
Causes and Symptoms of a Tooth Abscess
An abscessed tooth, if left untreated, may cause two life-threatening conditions, sepsis and meningitis, which may irreversibly damage the brain and even kill you. So, it is important to use our home remedies for abscessed teeth here to alleviate the pain, swelling, and discomfort, but don’t forget to pay your dentist a visit too.
The dentist may need to prescribe you a course of antibiotics to prevent the infection from further spreading. There’s also the pain caused by the abscessed tooth which can oftentimes be unbearable.
To prevent it, people try many things and usually end up having more pain. So, if you are also suffering from an infected tooth, we will tell you the main dos and don’ts. But first, you need to recognize the main symptoms and causes.
Main Causes of a Tooth Abscess
The following factors increase the risk of developing an abscessed tooth.
- Gum disease;
- Poor oral hygiene;
- Weak immune system;
- Chipped teeth;
- Gingivitis;
- Dental infections;
- Bacteria;
- Consuming carbohydrates and sticky food in large amounts.
Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth
The hard-to-ignore signs of an abscessed tooth include.
- Aching in the infected area when you eat;
- Out-of-the-blue sensitive teeth;
- Discharge of foul-tasting fluid in the mouth;
- Bad breath;
- Redness and soreness in the gums;
- Feeling unwell;
- Difficulty in opening the mouth;
- Swelling in the affected area;
- Unexpected and persistent toothache;
- Insomnia;
- Difficulty swallowing;
- Fever.
If you are experiencing any of these signs, take a closer look at the problem tooth and get treated soon.
11 Natural Remedies for a Tooth Abscess
You should find almost everything you need to treat an abscessed tooth at home in your pantry. However, the following home remedies are meant to give you instant tooth relief.
1. Use Garlic to Treat a Tooth Abscess
Garlic is a natural bacteria killer. The juice of raw garlic helps to get rid of the infection. If you are experiencing a persistent toothache, here is what you can do.
Take a raw garlic clove. Crush and squeeze it to get the juice out. Now, apply the juice to the infected area. This home remedy works like a charm for most toothaches.
If the pain and swelling are too stubborn, check out our other article on the best home remedies for toothache. We’ve got around 23 of them.
2. Clove Oil Cures an Abscessed Tooth
Clove oil also helps to kill the infection and works great in toothaches and gum diseases. Take some clove oil and brush the infected gum with it gently.
You have to be more careful when applying it directly to the infected area. Do not use too much pressure unless you want to feel even more pain. Massage the oil gently onto your gums.
Make sure that the oil is therapeutic grade before putting it in your mouth. And don’t be deterred by the bitter taste. Clove oil can do wonders on mild tooth infections.
3. Oil Pulling: Home Remedy for Tooth Abscesses
This is a very helpful home remedy. All you need is a bit of coconut oil. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and move it in your mouth.
Do not swallow; just slush it for like 15-20 minutes or so. Then spit out and rinse. You will surely feel immediate relief.
4. Peppermint Oil: Home Remedy for Tooth Abscesses
Peppermint oil works like a miracle in toothaches. Put some oil on your fingertips and massage gently the infected area.
You should feel instant relief if the tooth pain has been caused by an abscessed tooth.
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5. Salt is a Natural Remedy for a Tooth Abscess
Salt is a simple but really great remedy if you are looking for a quick natural pain reliever.
Just mix a small amount of salt into a glass of lukewarm water and gargle.
During the first few washes, you may experience pain, but then, you will feel some relief. Do it a few times and your pain should be dramatically reduced.
6. Tea Bag: Easy Home Remedy for an Abscessed Tooth
Herbal tea is another natural home remedy. Apply a cooled herbal tea bag to the affected area. This remedy will also offer instant relief from the pain.
7. Oregano Oil Treats A Tooth Abscess
Oregano oil comes with proven anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and anti-viral properties. It is a very effective home remedy, especially for tooth and gum diseases.
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8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Home Remedy for an Abscessed Tooth
Apple cider vinegar has been a very effective home remedy for an abscessed tooth since the time of our grandmothers. Natural or organic ACV works great.
You’ll need a tablespoon of ACV. Keep it in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. Do not swallow.
It will help to disinfect the affected area and decrease the swelling, caused by the abscessed tooth.
9. Antibiotics: Less Natural Treatment
Antibiotics are another option to treat the abscessed tooth at home. It may help ease the pain. However, not all tooth infections require antibiotics.
There are several antibiotics that kill the common mouth bacteria that cause tooth infections. Ibuprofen alleviates the pain and also helps to get rid of the swelling. Paracetamol is also an effective pain reliever, but amoxicillin is a highly-effective antibiotic usually recommended by doctors.
Note: Steer clear of hot water, other hot fluids, or ice packs as they will increase the intensity of the pain.
10. Echinacea: Easy Remedy for Tooth Abscess
You can take Echinacea internally as a tincture or tea. You can also apply Echinacea powder to the abscessed tooth.
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11. Goldenseal: Temporarily Treatment
It is an herb in the buttercup family. The dried root is very commonly used in supplements. Apply goldenseal powder onto the affected tooth. It will help get rid of the problem, at least partially.
Homeopathic Treatments Against a Tooth Abscess
These homeopathic remedies will help speed up the healing process of the abscessed tooth.
- Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy, which helps cure throbbing pain and redness caused by the abscessed tooth.
- Silicea is a good add-on for draining the pus.
- Hepar sulphuris is best for when the abscessed tooth is packed with pus.
- Bryonia is given to relieve the pain.
- Myristica is given to treat swollen areas.
- Pulsatilla is given when the patient experiences a sensitive tooth.
How to Prevent Abscessed Teeth?
- Take proper care of your mouth. Spend a little more time cleaning your gums. Brush thrice a day.
- Floss twice a day. Many flavored flosses are available in supermarkets, so buy a flavor you can be friends with and start flossing.
- Avoid chewing too much gum.
- Use anti-microbial mouthwash to diminish the risk of infections.
- Limit your use of tobacco or just give up smoking.
- Adopt a healthy diet.
- Limit the consumption of sugary foods.
- Buy a toothbrush that’s friendly to your gums.
- Brush your teeth gently. Do not apply too much force; otherwise, the gums will start bleeding and you boost your risk of gum recession and gingivitis.
Most of these tips will help you to prevent not only tooth abscess but also many other gum conditions. If the condition is worsening, seek dental attention for the best remedies.