20 Home Remedies for Treating Split Ends

Hair is the most essential adornment of a human body, which enhances its splendor. There is an average of 1,500,000 strands on a human head. They have to fight almost every day with pollution, sun, dust, wind and not to mention, the curlers, straighteners, dryers, gels, sprays and a variety of beauty products. This lavish treatment, given to the hair, looks great on a specific occasion, but regular use of these treatments parch and ruin your hair.  It is no wonder that most women complain of having frizzy and dry hair with split ends. Luckily, there are a number of home remedies for treating split ends which we will highlight in this article.

Split ends are the result of fraying of the hair shaft due to excessive heat, mechanical stress, and dryness. Well, the good news is that now there is no requirement to reach out to a heavily expensive salon! Just open your refrigerator and kitchen cupboard, and you will definitely find a way out for treating the split ends.

home remedies for treating split ends
Credit: Pixabay

Causes of Split Ends

  • Over washing
  • Exposure of hair to the sun, heat, dust and pollution.
  • Excessive use of hair styling tools, like curlers and straighteners.
  • Excessive use of hair styling cosmetics, like gels, serums, and sprays.
  •  Washing of hair with hot water.
  • Using inferior quality combs, pins, and headbands.
  •  Lack of routine maintenance, like cutting and trimming.
  • Over using chemical treatments, like hair color, perms, etc.
  • Not oiling the hair properly.
  • Showering your hair with hard water, like chlorine mixed water of pools.
home remedies for treating split ends
Credit: Pixabay

Home Remedies for Treating Split Ends

The following list contains a number of home remedies for treating split ends which should help to treat your split ends and to prevent them from reoccurring in the future.

1. Egg

One of the ever best remedies to make your strands free from split ends, dryness, and dullness is the application of egg. There are various ways, in which, the egg can be applied to your hair.

  • You can apply egg mixed with olive oil/almond oil and honey as a hair mask, and wash off after 30-45 minutes.
  • A beaten egg with a spoon of water can also be applied as shampoo.
  • You can also pour orange juice and a banana in two eggs and apply as a hair mask. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off.

These remedies are really effective in treating your hair from the problem of split ends.

2. Papaya

Take a ripe papaya and half cup of yogurt. Blend them to get a pulpy paste. You can apply this as a hair mask for about 30 minutes and wash off. This will give your hair sheen and solace from split ends.

3.  Castor Oil

Massage your hair with castor oil, mixed with mustard and olive oil, to get split ends free hair. Keep it for 30 minutes, and wrap with a towel or shower cap. Afterwards, rinse it off with shampoo.

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4. Cream

Mix a tablespoon of cream with half cup of milk. Whisk it thoroughly. Apply this mixture to your hair for 15 minutes and then wash it out.

5. Honey

Honey is a great treatment for split ends. Mix a spoon full of honey and some curd. Give a massage to your hair with this mix, especially at the hair ends. Let this mixture stay on your strands for 20 minutes and rinse it out afterwards. This mixture will not only relieve you from split ends, but will also confer your hair with a gorgeous lustre.

6. Beer

Beer is actually good for your hair and is considered as a great conditioner. Rinse your hair with beer after shampooing them and you will be really amazed to see the shine and gleam into your hair. Rinsing your hair every time with beer, whenever you shampoo, will help your hair in trouncing the problem of split ends.

7. Avocado

Mash an avocado and massage it in your damp hair, coating the split ends. Rinse it out after thirty minutes. If required, some olive oil can also be used into it.

8. Olive Oil

Give your hair a relaxing and effective spa with warm olive oil. Massage your hair gently with olive oil. You can either keep it overnight or wash it after an hour.

9. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is again a great oil therapy to combat with almost all the hair problems.  Massage your hair with warm coconut oil to treat split ends, dullness, and hair fall.

10. Chamomile Tea

To constrain split ends and frizzed hair, give your hair a rinse of chamomile tea. Steep a few chamomile tea bags in boiling water. Let it cool. Rinse your hair with this solution to liberate your hair from split ends.

11. Shea Butter

Apply this effective butter on your hair after washing them. Massage your damp hair with Shea butter and dry them naturally. Within a few days, you will see that you are getting relief from frizzy hair and split ends.

12. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is also a good choice to treat split ends. It is used same as Shea butter.

13. Argan Oil

Massaging your hair with argan oil can solace you with a variety of hair problems, like dry hair, split ends, dullness, and frizzy hair.

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14. Clarified Butter or Ghee

Clarified butter or ghee can give you extremely healthy and nourished hair. Massage your hair with warm clarified butter and keep it overnight. Rinse it out properly the next morning with lukewarm water.

15. Dal or Black Lentil Pack

Take ½ cup of black lentil and grind it to get a smooth powder. Add a spoon full of fenugreek seeds. Now, mix this with a cup of yogurt. Apply this to your hair for two hours and wash off with a mild shampoo afterwards.

16. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil can be mixed with your shampoo or conditioner while washing your hair to get soft and nourished hair. This remedy is also great for curing split ends.

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17. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise…. Yes, you read it right! Mayonnaise is an excellent treatment for your dry hair suffering from split ends. Simply apply mayonnaise on your hair twice a week, especially on split ends.

18. Banana

Mash a ripe banana. Add an egg, some honey and a little milk into mashed banana and apply it as a hair mask. Wash and rinse after half an hour.

19. Fenugreek

Make a fine paste of ground fenugreek seeds and curd.  Use this as a hair pack. Wash it after two hours to get silky smooth hair. This natural home remedy will also treat your split ends.

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20. Vitamin E Capsules

Mix the oil of 2-3 Vitamin E capsules in lukewarm water and massage the split strands with it. This is an effective remedy to treat split ends.

Tips to Prevent Split Ends

  • Do not brush wet hair.
  • Try to avoid excessive usage of hair stylers.
  • Avoid excessive usage of cosmetic products.
  • Cover your hair with a bandana or scarf while going out.
  • Get your hair trimmed every 2 months.
  • Use hair brushes that have nylon bristles.
  • Condition your hair, three times per week.
  • Do not use hot water to rinse your hair.
  • Detangle your hair with a wide toothed comb.
  • Retain moisture in your hair by oiling them.
  • Drink a lot of water.

Home Remedies for Treating Split Ends: Conclusion

Split ends can be quite a nuisance. Luckily, however, there are a number of home remedies for treating split ends.

We have listed some of the best home remedies for treating split ends in this article. These home remedies should help to treat split ends as well as prevent split ends from reoccurring in the future.

Do you have any tips of your own for treating split ends? We would love to hear your ideas and experiences. Please leave us a comment in the comments section below this article.