How to Stop a Runny Nose from Ruining Your Day!

how to stop a runny nose

A runny nose can ruin your day. No one wants to spend time constantly blowing their nose. Whether you know why you have a runny nose or the reason is a mystery, we will spend this article discussing causes and solutions so that you can put the tissue box away and get back to the things that matter.

What Causes a Runny Nose?

Fewer things are annoying than a runny nose that seems to be non-stop. When your nose is runny, you have to carry around a stack of tissues and may find that you’re blowing your nose constantly. Questions run through your head: “Am I sick?” “Do I have a cold?” “Am I suffering from allergies?” “How do I get rid of a runny nose?

While most people associate a running nose with sickness or allergies, there are many causes of a runny nose. If you want to know how to stop a runny nose, it’s helpful to get to the root of the problem. Runny noses are caused by anything that irritates or inflames the nasal tissues. Here are some common causes that will have you searching for ways to stop a runny nose fast.

Acute sinusitis causes your sinuses to become inflamed and swollen. As a result, mucus may build up, and the drainage may flow into your throat. Although congestion is a symptom of acute sinusitis, your nose can be runny, too.

Many people are no stranger to allergies. Maybe pet dander makes you sneeze, or spring pollen makes your eyes water. An allergic reaction, minor or severe, is your immune system’s response to a foreign substance. While multiple symptoms can accompany an allergy, a dripping nose is a common one.

Cold and flu season is one of the most dreaded seasons of the year when your immune system is run down and takes a long time to get back on track. Along with feeling run down and needing rest, you are likely to have a runny nose and other common symptoms.

Other causes that will have you searching for the best way to stop a runny nose may include overuse of nasal spray, a deviated septum, hormonal changes, medications, and pregnancy.

Quickly Stop a Runny Nose

Having a runny nose is inconvenient and can make a bad impression on the job. Even if you’re not sick, people may assume that you’re battling an illness. If you’re tired of sniffling and blowing your nose, you probably want to know how to get rid of a runny nose fast.

While there are many runny nose remedies, there is no guarantee for an instant cure for a runny nose. Again, it depends on the cause. Take allergies, for example; your environment will need to be free from the triggers that cause your nose to run. If your nose is runny because of a cold, you may try some remedies for runny nose but time is often the best medicine.

Many people want to know how to get rid of a runny nose overnight. Runny nose relief may work for some and not for others. Fortunately, home remedies for runny nose are easy and safe so you may be willing to try more than one.

When Can You Expect a Runny Nose Happen? 

Unsurprisingly, you can expect to deal with a runny nose during the cold and flu seasons. But really, once the temperature between season changes starts to fluctuatie, this is the ideal time for colds and viruses to start floating around as well. One of the first signs of a virus coming along is a runny nose. 

For many others, the dreaded spring and summertime where pollen and the outdoors in general can be irritating, runny noses can take hold too. Other causes that will have you searching for the best way to stop a runny nose may include overuse of nasal spray, a deviated septum, hormonal changes, medications, and pregnancy.

Whether you get a runny nose because of weather changes or because of a virus, one thing is for certain; funny noses suck. So, it should come as no shock that many people try to avoid them, or get over them as quickly as possible. If this describes you, then you have come to the right place. We have got all the quick remedies that will help get you back on track if you are dealing with a runny nose.

8 Ways to Stop a Runny Nose

There are numerous home remedies for a runny nose and how to dry up a runny nose fast, but we will focus on eight common ways on how to stop a runny nose. If one runny nose remedy doesn’t seem to work as quickly or effectively as you would like, try another one or better yet, try a combination of a few. What is great about these methods is the fact that you can try them out on your own at home without needing to go to a doctor’s office. If at any point your runny nose worsens or turns into something more, then you need to make it a point to visit your doctor’s office. Fevers, chills, and aches that come on after a runny nose could be an indication of something more severe. If that is the case, the home remedies can only do so much. Typically, you will likely need antibiotics or supplementary medications to get over any accompanying symptoms. Hopefully, your runny nose with stop at that and won’t lead into a full blowin infection. With that being said, let’s dive into our list of the top eight ways to stop a runny nose.


Many people use nasal drops to treat a runny or stuffed up nose, but saltwater is cheaper, more convenient, and natural.

If you’ve ever swum in the ocean and got saltwater up your nose, it probably stung a bit. While saltwater may seem like a strange way to stop running nose, it’s one of the effective ways to stop a runny nose.

Saltwater alleviates irritation in the nose, and it also helps to thin the mucus, making it easier to expel. Using saltwater as a running nose cure can also flush the nasal passages of irritants that can cause the nose to run.

To make the solution, mix one-half teaspoon of salt with two cups of distilled warm water (not too hot). Using a clean dropper, squeeze a few drops of the saltwater into each nostril with your head tilted back. Inhale slowly and gently to allow the solution further into your nasal passages. Finally, blow your nose gently to remove any excess mucus and saltwater solution.

This treatment can be done a few times at each sitting until you feel relief. Repeat the treatment a couple of times each day until you get rid of a runny nose. If your condition doesn’t improve, consider talking to your doctor.

Neti Pot

Much like a saltwater solution, a neti pot is a natural remedy for runny nose and effective in stopping a runny nose. It is designed to flush irritants from your nasal passages. As neti pots become more popular, you can find them at the pharmacy or online. They are usually made of ceramic or plastic materials.

Before you use your neti pot, make sure it’s clean, particularly in between uses. Use soap and hot water before and after using to keep bacteria from growing. Always allow the pot to air dry before using.

Next, make a solution of saline and sanitized water. Some neti pots come with a non-iodized salt. Follow the instructions on the container or mix ¼ teaspoon of salt into eight ounces of distilled, boiled, or filtered water. Mix until the water is completely dissolved.

Using a neti pot takes practice, but it’s important to use it correctly. There are many helpful videos online to show you how to use the neti pot, but we will give you the basic steps.

Bend over the sink, turn your head to the side, so your ear is parallel to the sink. Keep your forehead at the same height as your chin or slightly higher. Breathing through your mouth is important to be able to close off your throat and mouth from the saltwater solution.

Insert the spout of the neti pot in the upper part of your nostril, holding in a way as to form a seal. Raise the pot, so the solution flows into the upper nostril and out of the lower nostril (of the opposite nostril). Use half of the pot per nostril. When you are finished, gently blow your nose, and don’t forget to clean your neti pot.


If you want to know how to stop a runny nose without using a saltwater treatment, steam is another remedy for runny nose. A steam treatment can be performed in the shower or bath. You can also hold your face over a bowl of hot water, with a towel over your head to trap the steam. Breathe in the steam for up to ten minutes and then blow your nose.

Make sure that your face doesn’t touch the hot water and repeat this treatment three to four times a day. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil can also help.


Another home remedy for runny nose is honey, thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. You can enjoy the benefits of honey a few ways. Put two tablespoons of honey in a cup with a pinch of cinnamon powder and a squeeze of lemon juice. Another way is mixing two teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water. Both drinks can be enjoyed twice a day.

Gentle Massage

If you want to know how to get rid of a constant runny nose, a gentle massage may help slow down the flow of mucus. Gently massage your nose, above your eyes, and earlobes to ease sinus pressure. A massage may have extra benefits while sitting in a warm bath or standing in the shower.


A humidifier can keep the air moist and loosens up dry mucus in your nose so that it can be flushed out. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can boil water in a pot and let the steam add moisture to the air. Make sure to keep your humidifier clean and change the water after each use.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil may be hard to find in most grocery stores, but it can be bought online. The oil has antibiotic, antiviral, and antihistamine properties that help provide relief. To use mustard oil, heat a small amount until just warm. Use a dropper to squeeze one or two drops of oil in each nostril. Do this a few times a day.

You may also add two to three tablespoons of the oil into a pot of boiling water with one tablespoon of caraway seeds. Use the water as a steam treatment and use twice a day.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a natural antihistamine and helps to clear up nasal congestion and getting rid of a runny nose. The pepper, when added to foods, increases your nasal discharge and flushes out toxins which cause the runny nose.