The Ultimate Guide to Removing Water from Your Ears

how to get water out of your ear

We’ve all been there – the seemingly harmless task of dipping in the pool or showering can be a nightmare when water becomes trapped in our ears. The feeling of water sloshing around can be annoying and even painful. But how long can water stay in your ear? And what can you do to remove it when everything else fails? This blog post will explore getting water out of your ears quickly and effectively.

How long can water stay in your ear?

The time water can stay in your ear varies from person to person. It’s not a severe problem in most cases, and water can easily drain out within a couple of hours. However, if water has been trapped for a prolonged period, it can lead to an ear infection, which can be painful and potentially harmful. Therefore, if you suspect water has been in your ear for over a few hours and you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, seek medical attention immediately.

Usually, water will leave your ears after a couple of hours but should leave your body during your 8 hours of sleep. Lying on your side will help the water flow out slowly. You can also try and hang your head upside down to have a more rapid effect.

How to get water out of your ear when nothing else works?

You can use several methods to get water out of your ear if conventional methods like shaking your head or using a towel don’t work. One effective method is the use of hydrogen peroxide ear drops. Tilt your head to one side, pour the solution into the ear, and let it sit for a few minutes before tilting your head in the opposite direction to drain the solution and water. You can repeat this process until the water has been obliterated.

How to get water out of your ear fast?

If you need to get water out of your ear quickly, use the Valsalva manoeuvre – also known as “popping” your ears. Please take a deep breath, pinch your nose gently, and blow it out. This creates pressure in your ear canal that can force the water out. You can also try using a hairdryer on its lowest setting, holding it a few inches away from your ear and directing the warm air towards your ear canal.

Home Remedies – Get the water out of your ear at home

You don’t need to go to the doctor every time water gets trapped in your ear. There are many home remedies that you can use to remove water from your ears effectively.

  • Create a Vacuum With Your Hand

When using the gravity method, place the palm of your hand flat against your ear and press hard for a few seconds. Quickly remove your hand and repeat if necessary. This motion acts as a temporary vacuum and can help to get water out of the ear. Only use this method when your affected ear is facing the ground.

  • Hot Compress/Damp Washcloth

One home remedy is using warm compresses – soak a washcloth in warm water, wring it out, and place it on your ear for a few minutes. This can help to loosen up any earwax or debris trapping water in your ear canal, allowing water to drain out quickly.

  • Homemade Eardrops

Alcohol/Vinegar or hydrogen peroxide eardrops will not only help to get water out of the ear but can help to kill bacteria.

  • Yawn and Chew

Ear protection in water

The best way to prevent water from getting trapped in your ears is to protect them while swimming or showering. Wearing a swimmer’s cap or earplugs can effectively prevent water from entering your ear canal. If you are a regular swimmer prone to ear infections, consider investing in a custom-fit swimmer’s ear protector. This will prevent water from getting into your ears and protect against bacterial and fungal infections.

Taking the precaution of plugging your ear up when you are getting in the water is one of the best things you can do for your ear to avoid getting drowned again. If you don’t want to go the extra mile because it is just another thing you need to do before dipping into the pool, remember how painful that ear full of water was.

Why Water Gets Trapped

You may wonder, “How did I get water in my ear?” Our ears are usually designed to let water flow in and out without getting water in your ear. Our ears produce ear wax (yes, it’s a good thing), protecting the ear from things like bacteria, dust, and even insects. The wax removes debris from the ear and even acts as waterproofing for when you get water in the ear from swimming.

Sometimes, as we know from trying to get rid of water in your ear, the water can be too deep for your ear to flush out. As a result, you get water in your ears after swimming or showering.

Dangers of Water in Your Ear

A water-clogged ear may seem like no big deal, but the water in the ear hurts. Getting water out of your ear is important; the sooner, the better. If your ear is clogged after swimming, you are at a greater risk for infection. This is due to the bacteria that can float around in the water. An infection is still possible whether the water is from a swimming pool or a natural body of water.

Although babies and young children are known to get “swimmer’s ear” everybody can get one. Why is it so important to get water out of your ear? Ear infections can be painful and may be accompanied by other symptoms like vertigo and jaw pain.

In some rare cases, frequent or untreated infections can lead to hearing loss. If nothing else, treating an ear infection will make you feel better.

Only Swim in Clean Water

A lot of the problem with water getting in your ear involves bacteria. This means you should do a hard check to ensure the places you swim are clean and clear. Since you can’t go and test the water, here are some of our tips for avoiding bacteria-infested water:

-Ask questions about the pools you get in. You can always ask the pool owners if somebody has cleaned recently and with what.

-Stay away from certain types of water. You can’t always go testing your water. Your best bet is the ocean and salt or chlorine-cleaned pools.

Wrapping Up

Removing water from your ear can be a frustrating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Water will drain out on its own, but when it doesn’t, there are several methods you can use to get it out. The best way to prevent water from getting trapped in your ear is to take preventative measures. Use earplugs or custom-fit swimmer’s ear protectors while swimming or showering, and seek medical attention if you experience prolonged pain or discomfort. You can now effectively remove water from your ears and say goodbye to that annoying sloshing sound.