Mango Leaves: 15 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Keep Them

mango leaves and fruit

Most people are well aware that mangoes make a healthy fruit, but not too many know that the leaves of a mango tree have quite a few benefits of their own. These mild tasting leaves have plenty of healing properties to peak your interest. In this article, we’re going to give you 15 healthy reason why you should get your hands on some mango leaves and don’t let go.

As with nearly all home remedies, those listed below are not all inclusive cures. Serious illnesses, conditions and diseases need the advice and treatment of a health care professional.

Mango Leaves: 15 Ways in Which They Surprise You

1. Treat Hypertension

We’ll start off our list of mango leaves benefits with one that has the potential to save your life. The phytonutrient compounds in mango leaves help to strengthen fragile blood vessels which in turn aids in lowering blood pressure. Another great benefit of this is that it also treats varicose veins.

What to do:

  • Roughly chop 2 to 3 mango leaves and add them into 1 ½ cups of boiling water.
  • Simmer the leaves for about 10 minutes (the water will turn yellow), cover and allow to steep for 5 minutes or so.
  • Strain out the tea, add a little honey and lemon if you like.
  • Drink this several times per week.

2. Rinse Mouth

Mango leaves are also useful as an oral rinse. Mango leaves help to treat gingivitis and other gum diseases as well as fight plague buildup, therefore it makes an excellent oral rinse.

What to do:

  • Brew mango leaf tea according to the directions above.
  • Allow the tea to cool and pour it into a bottle or jar to keep.
  • After brushing, rinse your mouth with the mango leaf tea.
  • Repeat this at least once a day.

3. Treat Kidney and Gall Stones

You can say goodbye to kidney and gall stones by drinking mango leaves juice. The flavonoids in mango leaves have a decalcifying effect inside your kidneys and gall bladder. Regular consumption of mango leaf tea can help prevent the crystallization which creates kidneys and gall stones.

What to do:

  • Mix dried and ground mango leaves in a glass of water, cover and allow it to sit overnight.
  • First thing when you awaken in the morning, drink the mixture.
  • Do this on a daily basis if you are at risk for the development of kidney and gall stones.

green tea

4. Aid in Respiratory Issues

Mango leaves are also beneficial in the treatment of respiratory issues like bronchitis and asthma. Their tannins and anthocyanins work against the inflammation which tends to close off airways and make you cough.

What to do:

  • Boil mango leaves to make tea above and drink it daily or whenever you need some relief from coughing or an asthma attack.
  • You can also make use of powdered mango leaves mixed in a glass of warm water.

5. Help with Gout

Similar to how mango leaves treat kidney and gall stones, it also prevents and treats gout. The active compounds in the mango leaf help to break up and prevent the buildup of uric acid which causes the inflammation and pain associated with gout. This remedy is much, much safer than the dangerous pharmaceutical options.

What to do:

  • Use either of the methods described above on a daily basis if you are prone to suffer from gout.
  • Double up the dosage and consume it twice daily to get rid of gout if you already have it.

6. Treat Diabetes

The treatment of diabetes is one of the most promising benefits associated with mango leaves. The same tannins and anthocyanins in these leaves have been proven to help treat diabetic angiopathy and retinopathy as well as treating hyperglycemia. This is accomplished because these active compounds have a synergic reaction with insulin and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen.

What to do:

  • Boil mango leaves as directed above.
  • Do not strain and consume right away, but cover and allow them to sit overnight.
  • Consume the tea the following morning on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat this remedy daily.

7. Work Against Dysentery

Mango leaves are also effective at treating dysentery. Because dysentery typically involves inflammation of the colon, it is necessary to administer an anti-inflammatory agent in order to bring relief and allow your body to flush the virus, bacteria or parasite out of your body more effectively.

What to do:

  • You can use any of the methods described above to make mango tea.
  • This gentle remedy can be taken 2 or 3 times a day until the conditions improves.

pieces of coconut with milk and oil

8. Heal Burns

The healing of burns and flesh wounds is another benefit associated with mango leaves. Its tannins and anthocyanins not only help to bring soothing relief and the reduction of inflammation around the wounded area, but also promote the regeneration new skin cells.

What to do:

  • Ignite or burn 6 to 8 mango leaves and retain the ashes.
  • Mix enough coconut or olive oil with the ashes to create a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to the wounded area or burn.
  • Repeat a couple times a day as necessary.

9. Remedies for Earache

Mango leaves are also beneficial for healing earaches and ear infections. Again, it is the anti-inflammatory properties of these potent leaves which bring about the pain relief.

What to do:

  • Brew mango tea using any of the methods above and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  • Using a dropper, drop two to three drops of the solution into the affected ear or ears and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before allowing it to drain out.
  • Repeat this a couple times per day.

10. High Antioxidant Properties

Believe it or not, mango leaves contain equal or higher amounts of antioxidants as green, white and black teas. Besides the tannins, which boost its antioxidant properties, tea made from mango leaves also contain vitamin C.

What to do:

  • Brew as above or mix dried, powdered mango leaves in 8 to 10 oz. of warm water.
  • Drink this daily or add it to your favorite smoothie or juice.

11. Treat Hiccups and Sore Throat

Hiccups can become a nuisance and tend to contribute to sore throat pain as well, but mango leaves can help get rid of both.

What to do:

  • Place 2 or 3 dry mango leaves in a safe pot and ignite them.
  • Inhale the smoke produced by the mango leaves in order to relieve hiccups or sore throat.
  • Repeat this as necessary.

12. Ease Stomach Problems

Just like the cure dysentery, mango leaves are also effective at relieving chronic stomach disorders. They are effective because they reduce the inflammation of an irritated stomach.

What to do:

  • It is best to use the overnight method described above to prepare this solution.
  • Drink the mango water solution every morning on an empty stomach.

fruit and smoothie

13. Are Vitamin Rich

Part of the reason mango leaves are so effective at healing goes beyond its phytonutrient compounds and are found in its rich vitamin content. Among its most abundant vitamins are vitamins A and C as well as several of those included in the vitamin B complex. In fact, mango tea is often used to cure vitamin deficiencies in underdeveloped countries.

What to do:

  • Get a vitamin boost in your sports drinks, smoothies and juice by adding mango tea.

14. Relieve Anxiety

A surprising benefit of mango leaves comes from its scientifically proven ability to help relieve anxiety. Along with its vitamins and antioxidants, many of its compounds help to produce hormones which assist in providing calm and soothing.

What to do:

  • You can brew and drink mango tea to relax.
  • As an alternative, you can add 2 to 3 cups of dry, powdered mango leaves to a tub full of warm water and have a good, relaxing soak.

15. Help with Fertility

Though you might not be working on being fertile at the moment, keep mango leaves in mind for whenever you or someone close to you is. This is a rare, traditional treatment from Ayurvedic medicine for promoting fertility.

What to do:

  • Puree half an onion along with 2 to 3 mango leaves.
  • Add this puree to boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid, add a little honey.
  • Drink this daily when working on becoming more fertile.

Sweetening Up

Though mango leaves probably aren’t your first thought when you think of health, wellness and nutrition, it should be easy for you to see how they can have so many positive benefits for you. Because they have such a mild flavor and so many beneficial nutrients, you really should consider keeping mango leaves around your house on a regular basis and make use of them daily for many of the conditions described above.

For questions about mango leaves or for comments and success stories using them, please be sure to comment in the section provided below.

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