15 Effective Home Remedies for Flu Symptoms

Most people enjoy the cold season because of the winter sports and fun activities they can do with their loved ones. However, there are some that utterly resent this particular time of the year, because of the body’s predisposition towards catching a cold. As a consequence, they need to resort to all kind of medical treatments and throw money out the window for ineffective pills. A great alternative is self-medicating. For this purpose, we put together a list of the most efficient home remedies for flu that are certain to get you out of the bind.

Moreover, while others may seem a little out of the ordinary, some of them are quite tasty and enjoyable. You will find here some home remedies for flu that have been passed down from generation to generation that still prove highly efficient even today. Benefitting from modern medicine does not necessarily mean that we must hurry to the doctor every time we catch a cold.

1. Ginger Tea

tea ingredients

Not only ginger tea is a tasty drink one can enjoy on a daily basis, but it is also one of the most effective home remedies for flu on our list. The main ingredient contains gingerol, which helps relieve congestion by lessening the inflammation in the sinuses and nasal cavity. Even though it has not been scientifically proven, some say that its distinctive spiciness carries enough of a kick to loosen up accumulated phlegm.

Also, when going down with a cold, everybody knows that you must stay well hydrated at all times. This is even more important if your symptoms also include vomiting or diarrhea.

2. Traditional Cure

Another way to battle flu is following in our grandparent’s steps. It comes as no surprise that modern era’s pills can display unwanted side effects. However, garlic, honey, and lemon, for example, contain raw ingredients that can fight off the cold naturally. All you have to do is to crush up a garlic clove and mix it with lemon juice.

Top it off with honey and warm water. Give it a nice stir and drink all the contents of the glass. For better results, consider doing this 2-3 times a day, even if the taste does not agree with you.

3. Hot Steam

Rather than sticking all kinds of inhalers up your nose which could contain harmful chemicals, consider getting rid of a stuffy nose with hot water. There is no doubt that at some moment in your life you witnessed somebody placing a towel on the head and leaning into a steaming bowl of hot water. What this odd practice does is that it clears your nose almost right away so you can breathe easily again.

This method doesn’t require any professional knowledge or prior experience. Place your face over the hot water bowl and drape the towel over your head. This way, you will be able to trap in all the heat and steam. Take deep breaths, and you will start to feel how easy it is for you to breathe again in no time.

4. Mullein Tea

You can make tea out of any aromatic plant out there. However, only some prove to be effective home remedies for flu when inserted into hot water. A great example is mullein. It is a highly efficient expectorant and is recommended for people that experience a certain degree of congestion in the chest area.

Either dried or fresh mullein works just fine. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of dried mullein (or 4-6 spoons of fresh mullein) with honey and a cup of hot water. let it steep for about 20 minutes. All you have to do now is enjoy the tasty drink. You can make yourself up to three mullein drinks a day, for faster results.

5. Onion and Honey Cough Syrup

A good syrup is great when it comes to alleviating coughing. Instead of running to the pharmacy, learn how to make yourself a natural homemade cough syrup with only two ingredients. Hence, you will need an onion and a cup of honey. Cut the onion into even slices and alternate onion layers with honey. so, once you place the first onion slice, cover it with honey and top it off with another onion slice.

Continue the process until the jar is full. Leave the mix to settle for about 12 hours. After that, you can eat about three tablespoons full of syrup an hour in order to alleviate the cough.

6. Homemade Syrup

Another example of homemade syrup and one of the best home remedies for flu is this particular mixture. In order to make this, you will need one tablespoon of each licorice root, marshmallow root, ground cinnamon and chopped ginger. Add four cups of water and heat everything up for ten minutes. Add a cup of honey and stir until completely mixed.

Store the end result in an airtight jar and store it in the fridge for safe keeping. We recommend taking no more than 2 tablespoons of syrup, three times a day for the best results.

7. Hot Water Bottle

Heat is great for improving blood flow, especially when you struggle with the flu. A very effective way to get rid of the congestion in the chest area is to use a hot water bottle. Lay it on the affected area, and you should start to feel the results right away.

This practice helps to relax the muscles and softens up phlegm in order to help it come up. Also, the fact that it is an easy and non-invasive method to get rid of the cold, makes it one of the best home remedies for flu on our list.

8. Homemade Herbal Vapor Rub (chest salve)

In general, ointments are pretty easy to make. So, don’t go running to the pharmacy every time a doctor recommends a chest rub. Instead, learn to make one from only two essential ingredients in the comfort of your home. This way, once you master the technique, you will have an endless supply of vapor rub and be ready for anything the cold has to throw at you.

For starters, you will need half a cup of coconut oil and about 15 drops of peppermint essential oil. Melt these two together over low heat and stir until they are completely mixed. Add the essential peppermint oil and pour the contents into an airtight glass jar. Seal it off for several hours until it completely cools. Now, you can apply directly on the chest area and enjoy the results. As far as expiration date goes, you can store it away from direct sunlight for as much as three years.

9. Salt Bath

aromatic bath ingredients

Long baths are a great way to end a stressful day. So much so when you have to drag your body around the house always tired from the flu symptoms. If you’re looking to improve your health as well as the general mood, consider taking a long aromatic bath. You will need some essential oils like peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus.

However, these are only for relaxation purposes. In order to clear the sinuses while chilling in the bathtub, you need to add into the mix a cup of either sea salt or Epsom salt. For the bath to take full effect, consider filling the tub only half way. All that remains for you to do now is to lake deep long breaths and relax.

10. Homemade Inhaler

When experiencing a stuffy nose, the first thing anyone thinks about is sticking an inhaler up his nose. If you find comfort in this practice, why not learn how to do a natural inhaler for yourself? Even though it may seem tricky, it is fairly easy to make.

Hence, you will need a to soak a piece of cotton with 1 drop each of both eucalyptus essential oil, as well as lemon or lime. Next, add 2 drops of black spruce, 4 drops of tea tree and 2 drops of lavender, and you’re all set. If you only need to use it once a day, one inhaler will anywhere from 4 to 7 months. However, in order to preserve the contents, make sure to reseal it after every use. Otherwise, the oils will evaporate into thin air.

11. Pressure Points

What we often forget about is our body’s capacity to heal itself without the aid of medications or foreign substances. In mild cases, like having a cold, that is. There are some pressure points at head level that can clear the sinuses if you apply the right amount of force. For example, if you squeeze the bridge of the nose right where it meets the upper eye sockets, you will feel how easy it is to breathe again.

Continue applying pressure for about three minutes while taking long breaths in order to get rid of stuffy nose or congested sinuses. Another pressure point is located right beneath the cheekbones which deliver the same result. Hence, this practice makes for one of the most efficient home remedies for flu that does not require medication in order to get rid of the stuffy nose.

12. Elderberry Syrup

This homemade syrup lessens the inflammation of the mucous membranes and at the same time relieves nasal congestion. Hence, you will be able to get rid of the most undesired flu symptom. Furthermore, it can also act as a cough syrup and alleviate throat pain from excessive coughing.

Mix half a cup of dried elderberries with three cups of water over low heat, until the contents start boiling. Next, while reducing the heat, let it settle for about 50 minutes. Strain the liquid and pour it into an airtight glass jar. Make sure to squeeze the juice out of the fruits, as well. Add a cup of honey to the mix and let it cool down to room temperature. Before taking a tablespoon full of this nutritious mixture, make sure to give it a stir. A single dose on a daily basis should be enough and you will start to see clear results right away.

13. Goldenseal Tea

The goldenseal has been used since distant times by native Americans for the multitude of health benefits it carries. It is an antibacterial herb that works exceptionally well for the mucous membranes and helps to decongest stuffy nose. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties, as well.

Like any other tea, mix about two tablespoons of dried goldenseal with hot water. Add honey and lemon for taste and enjoy your hot drink! However, because the berberine present in its composition simulates contractions, we do not recommend that pregnant women use this particular home remedy.

14. Throat Gargle

The best way to clear up a sore throat is to gargle with a special mixture of multiple ingredients. Home remedies for flu are all about using common household ingredients in order to help you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

As a result, you will need a cup each of apple cider vinegar and hot water. Add four tablespoons of dried sage and stir everything together. Let the contents steep for approximately 15 minutes. Finally, sprinkle in a teaspoon of salt. All you have to do know is to gargle a mouthful of this mixture for at least three times a day. This will relieve the pain caused by excessive coughing and clear the throat at the same time.

15. Radish Diet


When it comes to 100% organic home remedies for flu, experienced gardeners know all about the health benefits radishes provide. Apart from being antiseptic, these spicy vegetables are also full of vitamins and multiple minerals.

If you’re looking for a powerful decongestant, the horseradish is more powerful than regular garden radishes, but also spicier. No matter the case, eating two or three raw radishes twice a day will help you a great deal when it comes to clearing congested airways.


Natural home remedies for flu not only can get you rid of the unwanted symptoms but can also improve your immune system, as well.  By battling the cold with organic home remedies for flu, you get a better understanding of how your body works while saving money at the same time. Furthermore, you acquire experience in both dealing with as well as preventing awful symptoms that otherwise could ruin your day.

However, maybe one of the most important piece of advice when it comes to home remedies for flu is to relax and drink as many liquids as possible. Your body is a machine that works around the clock to keep everything in check. So, the next time you feel a little heavy on your knees, think about what your body needs instead of just swallowing a pill and moving on with your day.

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