15 Home Remedies for Chest Pain Due to Gas

man suffering chest pain

Have you ever mistaken chest pain from gas for a heart attack? You are not alone, many people make the same mistake and rush to the ER only to be informed that they are experiencing some very painful gas. Fortunately, you can make use of a number of home remedies for chest pain due to gas without having to be embarrassed in the ER. Let’s take a look at what you can do at home, but before we do, keep in mind that it is always better to err on the side of caution and consult a health care professional or ER if you suspect that you are having a heart attack.

1. Drinking Warm Water or Other Drinks

One of the simplest remedies you can use for chest pain due to gas is to drink hot water or another warm beverage like tea or coffee. The hot liquid helps to dissipate the buildup of gas and subsequently brings relief to the pain in your chest.

What to do:

  • Heat water enough that you can still drink it.
  • Add lemon or brew tea in order to make it easier to drink if necessary.
  • Drink this whenever you feel the buildup of gas.

clean water

2. Fennel Seeds

Another valuable home remedy that can be used to alleviate chest pain due to gas comes from the seeds of the fennel herb. These seeds are well known for their enzymatic properties which help to break up foods which cause gas and indigestion.

What to do:

  • Thoroughly chew and swallow 1 tsp of fennel seeds when you begin to feel the buildup of gas or automatically eat them after eating foods which are known to cause gas.
  • As an alternative treatment, you can add fennel seeds to boiling water, simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Allow the tea to cool and then either strain it or simply drink it and chew the softened fennel seeds.

3. Turmeric

Another useful herb that is a great remedy for relieving chest pain due to gas is turmeric. Turmeric is not only a digestive aid, but it also has anti-inflammatory and pain relief qualities which can help bring you some much-desired relief.

What to do:

  • Add ½ tsp of ground turmeric and pinch of pepper to 1 cup of warm milk.
  • Drink the mixture while stirring continuously as the turmeric will not dissolve in the milk.
  • As an alternative, you can mix ½ tsp of powdered turmeric in 1 Tbsp of honey and take it to relieve gas buildup.

4. Garlic

There’s no need to buy a costly, over-the-counter gas relief product when garlic is an adequate substitute to help get rid of chest pain due to gas. Well known for its enzymatic properties and as a digestive aid, garlic helps break down foods which tend to cause gas and other digestive problems.

What to do:

  • The easiest way to take garlic is to peel a fresh clove, pop it into your mouth, chew it thoroughly and swallow.
  • If you just cannot handle chewing a fresh garlic clove or only have garlic powder, you can add it to a warm cup of milk just like you did the turmeric in the home remedy above.

5. Baking Soda or Bicarbonate of Soda

Chest pain due to gas does not typically require complicated home remedies. Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda has special properties which help to reduce acidity and the buildup of gas while relieving the pain and pressure in your chest.

What to do:

  • Simply add ½ tsp of baking soda to a glass of warm water.
  • Drink the mixture as soon as you feel gas building up.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another ingredient among the best home remedies which are effective at bringing relief to chest pain due to gas. It works in a similar fashion as baking soda to alkalize your digestive system and relieve gas, but it also works as a natural enzyme to help break down troublesome, gas producing foods as well.

What to do:

  • Mix 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a 12 oz. glass of warm water.
  • Drink down the mixture and be ready to feel the relief you need.

7. Massage

A massage is sometimes what is needed in order to help release the buildup of gas which is causing chest pain and is certainly an agreeable home remedy. A strong massage can help push gas out of pockets where it has built up and is causing pain.

What to do:

  • Lie on your stomach on a comfortable surface.
  • Have someone give you a vigorous massage.
  • You will probably feel gas releasing from pockets where it has become stuck and you might burp or pass gas in the process.

8. Elevating Your Head and Shoulders

A very simple home remedy to help relieve chest pain due to gas is to lie down and elevate your head and shoulders. This position helps reduce acid reflux and also helps to expel gas from areas where it might be trapped.

What to do:

  • Arrange several pillows or a wedge on a bed, sofa or other flat surface.
  • Lie down with your head and shoulders elevated and try to relax.
  • You might drink a warm drink or utilize one of the other remedies above while you relax.

almonds small cup

9. Almonds

Though personal experience outweighs any form of scientific research for eating almonds to relieve chest pain due to gas there are some logical reasons to backup why this is an effective home remedy. Almonds are an alkaline food which help to reduce built up acid which leads to a buildup of gas.

What to do:

  • A cup of almond milk, if you have it in your home, is an excellent way to help break up gas buildup.
  • Thoroughly chewing and swallowing 6 to 8 whole almonds is also an effective means of relieving gas pressure and pain.

10. Avoid Carbonated Drinks

When someone has an upset stomach, many times they will reach for a carbonated drink, but if you have chest pain due to gas this is one of the worst things you can do. Where carbonated drinks might relieve an upset stomach, they tend to add to the problem of gas buildup, so avoid carbonated drinks in these situations.

What to do:

  • Recognize the difference between upset stomach and gas and avoid carbonated drinks.
  • Drink a warm drink as suggested in several of the remedies listed above.

11. Papaya

Though it isn’t always available in every home, papaya is a highly effective way to bring relief to someone who has chest pain due to gas. Papaya has natural enzymes that quickly assist in the digestion of troublesome gas causing foods.

What to do:

  • Eat ½ cup of chopped papaya fruit or puree it in a blender to make juice.
  • If you do not have papaya in your home, consider keeping powdered papaya juice mix in your medicine chest or pantry and mix up a glass for when gas problems strike.

12. Herbal Teas

We have already mentioned how warm drinks are among the best home remedies when it comes to gaining relief from chest pain due to gas, but herbal teas have some additional benefits to be considered. Herbal teas, besides being warm drinks can also provide some relaxation and enzymatic functions to help cut down gas production.

What to do:

  • Brew yourself a cup of your favorite herbal tea. The best teas include: peppermint, lemon balm (Melissa), basil and chamomile.
  • Relax and sip the warm brew until the gas dissipates.

13. Exercises

Though chest pain due to gas rarely motivates anyone to exercise, if there are few other remedies available, it can be quite effective and act quickly. Light exercise can help to speed up the digestion of troublesome gas producing foods and even help release gas that is trapped in pockets.

What to do:

  • An after dinner stroll or bicycle ride is an easy way to help keep gas buildup at bay.
  • Lying down on your back and with your legs in the air pretending to ride a bicycle can help break up gas as can scissor movements with your legs in the air.
  • If you are familiar with yoga, there are several light yoga poses which can relieve gas buildup as well.

14. Activated Charcoal

Chest pain due to gas and the bloating which is often associated with it can sometimes be caused by toxins or impurities in your digestive system. Charcoal tends to draw out those impurities and relieve the built up pressure and pain of gas.

What to do:

  • Adults and children can usually take between 25 and 100 grams of activated charcoal mixed in a 12 oz. glass of warm water.
  • If you do not have activated charcoal in your home, burnt toast can provide a very similar effect. Make sure it is blacked and try to avoid using too much butter on it, though adding some honey to make it go down easier is okay.

activated charcoal tablets and pills

15 Avoid Gluten Rich Foods and/or Dairy Products

Often times, repeated episodes of chest pain due to gas are the result of a particular food intolerance. In those cases, the home remedy for preventing gas buildup is to avoid gluten rich foods.

What to do:

  • If you discover that gas buildup is associated with wheat, cereal or grain products, reduce your consumption of these gluten rich foods.
  • Lactose intolerance can also cause gas buildup, so avoiding dairy or opting for reduced or lactose free products is recommended.

Causes of Chest Gas

Almost all of the causes on the list below can be managed by a change in diet or getting tested for certain allergies or syndromes. Remedies are great, but it is even better to know the causes so you can avoid them.

  • Food and drink sensitivity is easily the most common causes when it comes to chest gas. It’s important to watch for the foods that cause gas and stay away from them if you are suffering from chest gas.
  • Another drink-related factor that promotes chest gas is carbonated drinks because they irritate the digestive tract and esophagus becomes inflamed. Many of us are used to drinking a soda once a day or more, and we don’t realize the impact it is having on us.
  • Allergies play a big role in gas. For instance, those who suffer from lactose intolerance will have bad gas pain. A gluten intolerant person can be affected by chest gas as one of their symptoms, and many who suffer from these two allergies are unaware until they are tested.
  • Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol also chest gas. Many of the drinks and food we ingest has these hidden ingredients that we should watch for if we suffer from chest gas.
  • People who suffer from Irritable bowel syndrome can find themselves having chest gas after eating or in stressful situations. IBS is another issue that many people don’t even know they have until they are tested. If you suffer in this way, this may be a sign you suffer from IBS.
  • Some more severe diseases like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis, diabetes, and gallbladder disease causes excess gas in the chest, but there are things you can do to manage these symptoms naturally if you are inflicted with these diseases.


Chest pain due to gas is no laughing matter. This condition has fooled many people into thinking that they are having a heart attack. Though it is certainly better to err on the side of caution, once you are familiar with the feeling of gas buildup and chest pain, you can make use of one or several of our home remedies to get the relief you need without the embarrassment of rushing to the ER. If you have additional remedies, questions or comments to add, please include them in the section below.

Images: depositphotos.com.