DIY Homemade Shaving Cream List

Shaving has become an essential part of the grooming process for both men and women. While some guys choose to go razorless and grow a beard, most professionally oriented men will choose a clean shave any day. Even though you do not necessarily need cream to shave, it certainly can help you avoid nicks and razor burns. There are plenty of commercial shaving creams on the market, but a mere Google search is enough to make you want to stay far away from them for as long as you can. An alarming number of store-bought brands of shaving creams contain toxic and dangerous ingredients that can end up greatly harming your skin and body. In the end, why would you risk hurting yourself when you can whip up your own homemade shaving cream?

What Makes a Good Shaving Cream?

Shaving creams are specifically formulated to achieve a frothy consistency that makes shaving quite a bit easier to do. A good shaving cream satisfies the following requirements:

  • It soothes your skin. Shaving cream should help to soften your skin and relax your pores, staving off razor bumps more effectively.
  • It softens your hair. Good shaving creams contain ingredients that make your facial hair (or any other hair) feel softer to the touch, easing the cutting process.
  • It lubricates your skin. With a good shaving cream, your razor can glide across your skin more easily, protecting you from cuts.

You know how much we love herbal and natural alternatives at Home Remedy Shop, so you can count on our DIY homemade shaving cream list to fulfill all of your safe and healthy shaving needs. Preparing these recipes is truly an art, and they work like magic for even the most sensitive skin type. Check out all of the recipes below and see which homemade shave cream works best with your skin.

Shea Butter and Coconut Oil Soap Free Shaving Cream

By far, the most popular homemade shaving cream recipe is the one that is made up of Shea butter and coconut oil and is soap free. It smells and looks delicious and you will have a lot of fun getting it ready. The ingredients are all natural and will protect your skin, rather than causing chemical damage. See the recipe provided by Everyday Roots and review it according to your needs.

Get these:

  • Shea butter or Shea nut oil – 2/3 cup
  • Coconut oil – 2/3 cup
  • Grapeseed oil or olive oil – ¼ cup
  • Baking soda – 2 tablespoons
  • Essential oils of your choice – 15 to 20 drops
  • Optional: Vitamin E capsules – the contents of 2

Do this:

  • To start preparing this homemade shave cream, take the 2/3 cup of Shea butter and the 2/3 cup of coconut oil and melt them together.
  • Remove from heat and add the ¼ cup of oil (olive or grapeseed).
  • Stir the content well and, after it is all melted together, put in the drops of your essential oil.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place them in the refrigerator to solidify.
  • After the mixture becomes a solid, take it out and allow it to become a bit soft.
  • If you have chosen to add Vitamin E (for extra hydration), add the contents of the two capsules, as well as the baking soda.
  • Use a beater or a mixer and beat the mixture until it looks like whipped cream.
  • When shaving, use it in abundance. After you are finished, store it in a place away from sunlight and at a cool temperature.

Honey and Oil Homemade Shaving Cream

Modern Hippie House Wife offers us an awesome alternative to the traditional Shea butter recipe. It involves only a few ingredients and will take literally under five minutes to prepare. In addition to this, the homemade shaving cream will not expire, thanks to its selection of ingredients, so you can keep it close by in your bathroom for as long as you want.

Get these:

  • Honey – ½ cup
  • Oil (almond, olive, grapeseed – your favorite variety) – ½ cup
  • Castile soap (liquid form) – ¼ cup
  • Optional: essential oils for scent – around 10 to 15 drops
  • Dispenser
  • Bowl
  • Whisk

Do this:

  • Get your bowl ready, add all of the ingredients and whisk them all together for a couple of minutes.
  • You will see that they form an emulsion like substance.
  • Pour the mixture into a dispensor (like the ones with black pumps).
  • Use just a drop when shaving, as it will lather amazingly when combined with a bit of water.

Aloe Vera and Castile Soap Foaming Shave Soap

We would have been surprised if aloe vera did not make this list somehow. This miracle plant is so amazing for the human body that it is impossible for it to not appear in almost any home remedy or natural do it yourself product lists. Wellness Mama explains that for this homemade shaving soap to work, you need all natural aloe vera gel (not to be confused with the juice). It is best that you extract the gel yourself from aloe vera leaves, so you know you are getting the real deal. After that, get the rest of these ingredients and follow the instructions below.

Get these:

  • Aloe vera gel – ¼ cup
  • Castile soap (liquid form) – ¼ cup
  • Distilled water – ¼ cup
  • Oil (almond or olive, according to preferences) – 1 tablespoon
  • Vitamin E
  • Foaming soap bottle (around 8 ounces)
  • Optional: essential oils

Do this:

  • The preparation process is as easy as taking all the ingredients, placing them in the foam soap bottle and shaking it until they turn into a whole mixture.
  • Make sure that you shake the bottle every time before you use it for shaving.

Rosemary Mint Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Just by reading the title of this do it yourself shaving cream, you know you are in for a treat with a lovely scent (rosemary and mint combined!). This recipe is quite similar to the first one on our list, but the extra two ingredients make all of the difference. Check out the recipe shared by Shaina Olmanson on Food for my Family and let your skin enjoy an extra special treatment.

Get these:

  • Sweet almond or jojoba oil – ¼ cup
  • Shea butter – 1/3 cup
  • Coconut oil (virgin) – 1/3 cup
  • Rosemary essential oil – 10 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil – 5 drops
  • Saucepan
  • Bowl
  • Mixer / beater
  • Jar

Do this:

  • First of all, take the coconut oil and the Shea butter and place them in a saucepan on your stove, mixing them together until they melt.
  • Place the melted mixture into a bowl (that is safe for hot contents).
  • Add the 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, the 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and the ¼ cup of jojoba or sweet almond oil and stir thoroughly.
  • Store the bowl in your refrigerator until the mixture hardens a bit.
  • Take it back out and use a mixer or a beater until it resembles a soft, pasty-like substance.
  • Place the contents in a jar and use a lid to secure it.

Lavender Sandalwood Homemade Shaving Cream

This homemade shaving cream recipe combines a few ingredients from the ones we listed above and adds two special ones: sandalwood essential oil and lavender essential oil. Why? PrimallyInspired explains that “Sandalwood essential oil restores moisture and relieves inflammation and itchiness”, while “Lavender oil can reduce redness, get rid of the swelling of razor bumps, and prevent irritation from razor bumps”. The castile soap is the ingredient that makes the mixture soft like whipped cream. Without further ado, here is the cool recipe:

Get these:

  • Coconut oil – 1 cup
  • Castile soap – 3 tablespoons
  • Avocado oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Vitamin E oil – 1 teaspoon
  • Lavender essential oil – 15 drops
  • Sandalwood essential oil – 10 drops

Do this:

  • Take all of the ingredients on the list and place them in a bowl. Make sure that the bowl is not hot or warm.
  • Use a hand beater or a mixer to blend the ingredients for a couple of minutes, until they obtain a fluffy-like texture.
  • Take the result and store in a jar or other type of container.
  • Make sure that you keep this homemade shaving cream away from water, as it will speed up its expiration. If you store it in a cool place, it should last for three to five months.

Shampoo & Conditioner Shaving Cream Recipe

Our last DIY homemade shaving cream uses some pretty basic ingredients, two of which you can already find in your bathroom. All you have to do is make sure that your shampoo and conditioner are safe, preferably with organic ingredients. You will need just two other ingredients and a foam pump to get it right. Follow these steps:

Get these:

  • Conditioner – ¾ cup
  • Shampoo – ¼ cup
  • Coconut oil (liquid form) or sweet almond oil – 4 tablespoons
  • Your favorite essential oils – 10 drops

Do this:

  • Take the ¾ cup of conditioner, the ¼ cup of shampoo, the 4 tablespoons of sweet almond oil or coconut oil and the 10 drops of your preferred essential oil and pour them all into the foam pump.
  • Shake the foam pump well, until all of the ingredients are combined together.

As a side note, make sure that you are not allergic to any of these ingredients before preparing any of these DIY homemade shaving cream recipes. Also, it is best to store all of these natural alternatives in cool places so they do not go bad. We recommend that you use a fresh, clean, new razor blade as frequently as possible when you shave, so you can avoid razor burns. Look into proper shaving techniques so you can avoid any nicks and bleeding for a pleasant shaving experience.

Which recipe did you like the most? Let us know it a comment below!

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