Chest Acne
Chest acne is something that many people might experience throughout their life, especially during your teen years. Back and chest acne is something that is bound to happen at some point. Once you have it, you might wonder how to get rid of acne on your chest and you might ask yourself “Why do I have acne on my chest?”
Acne on face, back and chest areas is not fun for anyone and there are many different treatments to clear up chest acne. Acne is caused when there is a buildup of bacteria within the pores of the skin and most often it will even look like small rashes that might even be itchy.
Cystic acne is a type of acne that causes an infection that goes underneath just the surface of the skin. Cystic acne on chest, face, back, arm or shoulder regions is something that is more likely to happen when you are a teen, but can flare up in adulthood as well.
Chest Acne Causes
While looking in the mirror in the morning, seeing these red pimples might come as a surprise to you and the first thing that might come to mind is to find a chest acne treatment. Acne on chest areas may be caused by a number of reasons. One of the most common causes of chest acne is sweat.
While participating in any physical activity, you will sweat and after awhile the pores will begin to seal. Chest and back acne are often times very common because those are areas that tend to get extremely sweaty. If you are an adult, don’t get worried, because breakouts can happen to anyone, not just teenagers.
Acne is caused when there is a buildup of bacteria within the pores of the skin and most often it will even look like small rashes that might even be itchy.
When you take some time to think about it, this does actually make quite a bit of sense. When you are out on a hot day, you will typically wipe the sweat off your forehead and face, but all too often, people forget about the sweat that has built up on their chest.
Not only that but if you are wearing clothing that covers your sweat, then it is more likely to build up against your skin and clog your pores even further.
Chest Acne Treatment: How to get Rid of Chest Acne
Now the big question many want to know is how to get rid of chest acne that is causing you so much stress. This bad chest acne is a pain in the butt, but there are chest acne solutions that you could use to clear up your skin.
To clear chest acne there are many products you can use, but a lot of them contain chemicals that might affect your skin in a negative way.
Aside from store bought products, there are many home remedies that you can experiment with to help solve your problem, but how do you decide which one is the best treatment for chest acne?
On the shelves of your grocery store you can find the best body wash for back and chest acne. Or you can choose to find natural remedies for chest acne that will not only treat your pimples but it might be less harsh to your skin.
Quickly Get Rid of Chest and All Types of Acne
To get ready to face the day, you can try different methods to get rid of chest acne fast. Or maybe it’s picture day and you wake up with a big zit; no one wants to get pictures taken with a red dot on their skin.
One solution is that you could always try to cover up the imperfections if it is really a surprise. There are many options available to you when you are trying to figure out how to cover chest acne. Women might have a slight advantage over men because most already have makeup and know what to do with it to hide their female chest acne. If you aren’t sure how to cover acne on the chest and shoulder areas all you need is a good concealer to put on the blemish.
If you get a breakout all of a sudden and want to get rid of chest acne overnight, there’s a way to do just that. Some people swear by putting toothpaste on the blemish and sleeping with it on your face overnight. Others say that aloe vera is among the many home remedies for chest acne and other types of acne that works like a charm.
Egg whites, tea tree oil, orange peels, baking soda and potatoes and some other ways to get that mild acne off of your skin. By experimenting and putting some of these substances on the irritated areas of your skin and leaving it on overnight, you might find that one of these methods really works for you.
How do I prevent myself from getting acne on chest areas and other parts of my body?
With some cases of severe chest acne, it is so bad that it makes chest acne scars, which then creates a whole new problem. Before it gets to the point of where you need to know how to get rid of acne scars on chest areas, you should know how you can prevent acne. There are countless ways of how to prevent chest acne before waking up with that huge pimply rash on your chest, face, back, shoulders, or neck. Follow these steps below to help yourself to the path of clear skin.
1. Keep Your Skin Clean
If you keep your skin clean you have a lessened chance of having bad cases of acne. It is absolutely essential to remove dead skin cells, dirt and oil from the surface of your skin.
The easiest way to keep your skin clear is by washing it every single night. If you are active throughout the day, then it is important that you wash your skin when you come in after a physically demanding activity as well.
Typically, every time you exercise, you should make it a point to clean your skin. When you clean your skin, you want to be sure that you are using a cleanser of some sort. You can use a store bought product, or you can use a mixture of warm water and mild soap.
If you are going to be using a product to cleanse your skin, you want to make sure that you stick to one product and do not jump around to other products. Different products contain different ingredients and changing the formula up on your skin can cause some irritation.
2. Moisturize Your Skin
Moisturizing your skin can actually help prevent additional breakouts. This might go against what you may think, but when you don’t hydrate your skin oil begins to buildup which provides a good environment for bacteria to grow and spread.
When you shop for a moisturizer, you want to pick one that is right for your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin by nature, then you want to pick something that will nourish your skin, not dry it out further.
3. Avoid Touching Your Skin
If you are constantly touching your skin you are spreading even more bacteria and prolonging the heal time of the pimple of spot of acne. If you properly treat the blemish when you get it and you leave it to heal, it will take less time for it to go away.
Whether the pimple is on your face or your chest. Be sure to refrain from poking or picking at your skin. As your skin heals, it will begin to scab so that new skin can grow underneath. When you continue to pick at your skin, you will not allow your skin to heal properly and this can potentially lead to scarring.
4. Stay Hydrated
Drinking a lot of water each day proves to help in the prevention of acne. Because water flushes out toxins from the body, it is important to drink water not just to prevent blemishes, but to maintain the health of your body.
5. Exercise and Have a Healthy Diet
If you live a healthy lifestyle and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables you have a better chance at clearer skin and feeling better about yourself.
Baby Acne on Chest
Baby acne on the chest might occur when the infant is a few weeks old. Acne that occurs with infants is different from the acne that a regular adult might experience. Neonatal acne is many times thought of as a rash but it is important that you don’t irritate the blemishes any further.
If your infant has baby acne, it is best to wash the area with a mild soap. It’s also recommended that you stay away from tight clothes and some baby lotions and gels.
Chest Acne During Pregnancy
Some women report that they experience chest acne as a symptom during pregnancy. This occurs because of the increase in hormones and can be treated just as any other acne might be treated.
Acne doesn’t just happen on the chest and the back. To have acne on your chest and neck is not always the case, but acne can happen anywhere on your skin. There are many different ways to deal with a breakout that catches you by surprise. With the several options in treating chest acne and acne that occurs on other areas of your skin, you can stop worrying because you can definitely find a cure!