9 Home Remedies for Nausea Treatment

Nausea Treatment for pregnant women

Nausea is characterized by an unpleasant sensation in the stomach. The discomfort is generally paired with an urge to vomit. Although you do not necessarily need to vomit in order to have nausea. In fact, there are many people who will suffer from nausea but will never vomit because of it. A symptom of another underlying condition, nausea could point to migraines, food poisoning, motion sickness, early pregnancy, a stomach infection or indigestion. The silver lining here is that there are plenty of natural home remedies for nausea treatment you can try at home.

Causes of nausea

Not a disease itself, nausea generally indicates there is another issue at hand. There are dozens of causes for nausea, with the most common ones also including other symptoms like vomiting, dizziness or vertigo.

  • Any of these conditions affecting the brain or spinal fluid could trigger nausea: head trauma, migraine, headache, tumor, meningitis, stroke;
  • Most abdominal and pelvic organs diseases include nausea: gastroesophageal reflux, hepatitis, kidney disease, stomach irritation, gallbladder disease, constipation, gastroenteritis, and menstruation;
  • Inner ear problems are almost always accompanied by nausea and vertigo: motion sickness and labyrinthitis;
  • It’s not unusual for nausea to be owed to various psychological problems: social anxiety, depression, anorexia, and bulimia.
  • Nausea is a serious side effect of chemotherapy, which is used to fight off cancer.
  • Nausea can also appear postoperative, as a side effect of medications or various treatments.
  • Because of all the changing hormones going in a pregnant woman’s body, a bit over 50% of women will experience nausiea eaither at the start of their pregnancy or throughout their pregnancy. 

Best dizziness and nausea treatment

If you’re not experiencing severe dizziness and nausea, you can try out these DIY home treatments that will help you keep the issue under control.

1. Ginger

Ginger is the universal cure for nausea, no matter in what form you choose to consume it: raw ginger, ginger tea or ginger ale will all help you get rid of the queasy stomach and go on with your day. The magic attribute of ginger is that it facilitates the secretion of digestive enzymes and juices. In their turn, these neutralize stomach acid.

Ginger also comprises phenols, which help your stomach muscles relax, acting like a sedative on irritated tissue. This will reduce the stomach’s over-activity, calming down irritation and decreasing nausea. The phenols in ginger also play an important role in moving digested food through the system, helping eliminate potential toxins out of the body quicker.

Whether you decide to nibble on the root, add it to a soup or make yourself a tea, it will instantly help with stomach aches and nausea. To make the soothing ginger tea, you will need a few slices of ginger root to boil in two cups of water for three to five minutes. When the liquid is cool enough, you can sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey.

Ginger ale is equally simple to make. You’ll need to roughly chop two cups of fresh ginger and place it in a saucepan with three strips of lemon peel and four cups of water. Boil the mixture and let it simmer for ten minutes. Add sugar to your liking (preferably half a cup) and boil until the liquid is reduced to half. You can use the syrup for seven days, mixing it with club soda.

For some who have a bit of a sweet tooth, there are ginger candies that you can purchase and suck on throughout the day. If you are going to try out this method, just be sure that you are purchasing a ginger candy that is made out of real ginger, not just ginger flavoring. 

2. Lemon

Nausea Treatment includes lemon tea

The second best thing you can use for nausea is lemon. Since it’s very versatile, you can experiment with it. Use the juice, the pulp or the zest to add in herbal teas or warm water. The citrusy smell of lemon on its own is enough to banish nausea. The easiest way to use lemon is to cut a slice and nibble on it. If you can stand the sour taste, you can even eat it whole. Lemon goes great with ginger tea. You can either squeeze fresh juice into the warm beverage or add a few slices to the tea.

If you are a salad lover, or love cold cuts in general, then this is a great way to sneak some lemon in your diet. However, many women will tell you that the sight and scent of lemon firsthand is what helps them ease some of their nausea. If you are always on the go, then one of the best ways to utilize this method is by investing in some lemon essential oil. Adding a couple of drops to your wrist and neck and rubbing it in will allow you to sniff it discreetly when you are at work or going around town. 

3. Peppermint

The reason why peppermint is so often used for stomach upsets and nausea is due to its menthol that acts as a natural analgesic. You can make yourself a cup of peppermint tea by boiling two cups of water and steeping the leaves for up to seven minutes. Allow the tea to cool down before drinking it. Simply chewing peppermint leaves can help alleviate the discomfort thanks to its refreshing taste. You can also use peppermint essential oil. Put a drop on your wrist and give it a sniff when you start feeling nauseous and dizzy.

Much like lemon, peppermint can have a cooling effect on you if you are feeling nauseated. One of the best ways to use this method is by investing in an essential oil defuser. Before you go to bed, add a couple of peppermint drops to the diffuser and let it work its magic while you sleep. For an even calming effect, you can add a drop or two of lemon as well. 

4. Hydration

Drinking plenty of fluids each day (water, teas, natural juices) is a must especially when you are feeling sick. If you’re also experiencing vomiting, you should be sure your body is hydrated at all times. If you can’t motivate yourself to drink eight to ten glasses of water per day, try including coconut water or teas into your diet. If it is especially difficult for you to drink water, then you will want to be extra vigilant by taking small frequent sips throughout the day. It is essential that you stay hydrated especially if you have vomited due to nausea. When you vomit, you lose the essential fluids you need in order to keep your body functioning. In many cases, the loss of fluid will only exasperate your nausea, thus making you feel worse.

Green and black teas come in a plethora of flavors, so you’re not bound to get bored too soon. And not only are they hydrating, they have antioxidants as well. Coconut water is 95% water, and has a nutty, sweet taste. Highly hydrating, it also has potassium and fiber that could calm down stomach upsets.

However, not all liquids are good for you when you’re nauseous and your stomach is highly sensitive. You’ll want to steer away from alcohol, fizzy drinks, and coffee. If you have diarrhea, dairy products, and milk should be avoided until you feel better.

5. Fresh air

This might seem like a no-brainer, but nausea can be caused by a stuffy room or car. If you experience motion sickness, it helps to roll the windows down so that fresh air can enter the car. You can also take several breaks on the way for a breath of fresh air and to stretch your legs. Walking around gives your body the chance to unwind and can help reduce discomfort and nausea.

6. Cool compresses

Take an ice pack, wrap it in a towel and apply it on the back of your neck. This cooling remedy should help assuage the queasiness in a few seconds. If you find an ice pack is too cold, try dunking a clean towel or a cloth in cold water.

7. The BRAT diet

Nausea Treatment includes toast

Your best allies against nausea are bland foods. They can soothe stomach upsets and not make you vomit. The BRAT diet stands for bananas, applesauce, rice, and toast. Each one of these is very soothing and can be eaten when you have an extremely sensitive stomach. Bananas and toast are ideal for breakfast when you want to stay away from eggs, orange juice, bacon, and coffee. Rice should be eaten on its own. It’s nourishing, filling and soothes the queasiness.

8. Apple cider vinegar

This liquid seems to do it all: excellent for dandruff, acne and cleaning the entire household, apple cider vinegar appears to have one more benefit. If you experience nausea because of morning sickness or food poisoning, you’ll find apple cider vinegar is of great help. Here is the mixture that some people swear by: a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar combined with one tablespoon of organic honey in warm water. The concoction can also relieve cramps.

9. Herbal Juice

This Ayurvedic home remedy will get rid of the queasy feeling and discomfort, especially if you combine ginger, mint, lemon, and honey. All these active ingredients combined make for a refreshing juice that cuts nausea and calms down stomach upsets. You can crush the ginger and mint leaves or add them to a food processor so that you can obtain a paste, following up with a cup of filtered water. For sweetness, add a teaspoon of honey. For a citrusy flavor, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

What to do when you’re experiencing nausea

While it’s extremely unpleasant, nausea goes away by itself in a matter of hours. If you want to help your body cope with stomach upsets and nausea, here is what you should keep in mind.

  • Cold water. Remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Cold beverages will help with the queasiness.
  • Less coffee. You should fight the urge to drink your daily three cups of coffee. An irritated stomach won’t welcome caffeine and you risk creating even more pain.
  • Small portions. Sickness might make you want to give up eating altogether, but that’s not the route you want to take. Stick to bland foods that will soothe your stomach and eat small portions slowly.
  • Since nausea never stops by unaccompanied, you’re probably also experiencing fatigue. Make sure you get plenty of proper rest, but don’t neglect walking or moving around.
  • Room temperature. A stuffy room might increase the queasiness, just like hot food can make you feel sicker. Allow your food to reach room temperature before you eat it.

What to avoid when you’re experiencing nausea

You should listen to your body when you’re nauseous and do what best works for you. As a rule of thumb, here is what you should avoid whenever you’re feeling queasy.

  • You shouldn’t drink water or other beverages when you are eating.
  • Don’t mix a lot of different foods and stay away from heavily processed foods. Remember you’re dealing with a highly sensitive stomach that might have a hard time digesting dairy products, greasy foods, spicy dishes and fizzy drinks.
  • You should also avoid consuming alcohol since it can give you heart burn and only undermines any natural nausea treatment you are trying.

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