No matter if you’re a lady or a man, we all know that ingrown hairs can be a real pain in the rear. They may frequently appear in various places on the human body, such as the face, legs or pubic area, depending on where you often remove hair. The condition is defined by hair growing sideways or curling back into skin, creating pimple-like eruptions. Ingrown hairs might also be accompanied by itching sensations, slight rashes and even infections, if not treated properly. Many individuals usually associate ingrown hairs with “red bumps”, which are actually scientifically known as folliculitis (infection of the hair follicle). People with curly or coarse hair are most likely to develop ingrown hair, especially if they shave or wax. Ingrown hairs can be treated in quite a few ways, but wouldn’t it be better to avoid the situation altogether? That is why we have carefully picked out our top home remedies for ingrown hair prevention, in order for you to steer clear from these painful and unaesthetic annoyances.
Our list presents nine solutions for preventing ingrown hair in key places on your body, both for men and women. They range from quality pieces of advice, to natural alternatives that you can fix up yourself and apply at home. Many specialists will recommend stopping hair removal altogether, but we all are well aware that it is not a real option if we want to maintain clean and healthy skin. Generally speaking, the solution for any problem is to take care of its cause, so you can diminish any further effects. Check out all of our options below and let us know which one was more efficient for you. If you have any further suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave us your tips in the comment section below. Good luck, ladies and gents!

1. Always Exfoliate!
Our number one piece of advice definitely regards exfoliation. It is widely regarded as the most efficient way for preventing ingrown hairs, no matter if you choose waxing or shaving. There are two main kinds of exfoliation available: physical and chemical. If ingrown hairs aren’t a severe problem for you, we recommend that you opt for physical exfoliation. There are quite a few solutions for physical exfoliation in the comfort of your own home, all of them very affordable and easy to find. Try out an exfoliating glove; it helps you gently remove dead cells without harming your skin. You can easily do it on a daily basis without creating any damage.
There are also two ways that you can exfoliate your skin without putting in much effort. Both ways require that you invest in a good dry brush. A dry brush is a handheld tool that you can use either on dry skin or when you are in the bath. It contains hundreds of semi harsh bristles that help to wisk away any dry or dead skin on your body. Why you dry brush your skin, your skin gets a gentle exfoliation that encourages the growth of healthy skin.
You can dry brush your skin without any lotion or moisturizer on, or you can dry brush in the bath. When you do it in the bath, you can use a favorite soap or shower gel to really get into the layers of your skin.
Chemical exfoliation, on the other hand, involves salicylic or alpha-hydroxyl acids that might irritate your skin. Because chemical exfoliations can be harsh on your skin, it is best that you get them done in a salon or with a certified dermatologist. Doing a chemical exfoliation on yourself could be harmful if you do not know what you are doing. If you have the possibility, stick to physical exfoliation and you’ll be good to go.
2. DIY Homemade Scrubs
As exfoliation is the best way to prevent ingrown hair, we thought that some do-it-yourself homemade scrubs might come in handy. Many ladies have confirmed that these goodies can work wonders for your skin, so check them out below:
- Sugar – Try mixing granulated sugar (destined for exfoliation) with olive oil (perfect for moisturizing) and some tea tree oil (it has great anti-bacterial properties). You can use this method daily, after every shower, and you can even treat yourself to an entire body scrub for time to time for super smooth and clean skin.
- Salt – Take some Epsom salt and mix it up with some olive oil to apply after shaving. Afterwards, it is recommended to combine tea tree oil and lidocaine for moisturizing. This is a wonderful alternative for people with thick hair that tends to grow fast.
- Shower gel & Salt – Probably the most inexpensive solution for a great homemade scrub is simply putting some salt into your shower gel. It does not cost you anything and it has proven to be more than efficient in the long run.
3. Dress Up Right!
One of the best ways to avoid pubic ingrown hair regards the most essential piece of clothing known to women: underwear. Yes, ladies, we know you’re head-over-heels in love with lace, but you should know that this sexy kind of underwear might harm your freshly cleaned bikini line. This also means that thongs are a big no-no if you’re wearing jeans or any other kind of material with a coarse texture, as friction is one of the main factors for ingrown hairs. If you’re a guy and you’re facing these kinds of problems on your neck, avoid wearing collared shirts as much as you can. A high collar encloses oil and sweat, which can subsequently lead to irritation and – you guessed it – ingrown hair.
4. Shave with Care
For those who pull out razors for their hair removal needs, you need to know that a proper shaving method is critical for preventing ingrown hairs.
Gents – Be careful to always shave in the direction that your hair grows on your face. This not only helps you prevent ingrown hairs, but it also works great for avoiding a nasty razor burn.
Ladies – You can shave your legs in the opposite direction of hair growth without facing any problems. When you shave, try starting from your ankle and build up to your knee as a method, and you’ll be just fine.
However you shave, make sure that you are shaving in a slow manner. If you run the razor over your skin too quickly, then you can injure your skin or you can cause pulling that will lead to razor burn.
In the same token, make sure that you do not go over the same location twice when you are shaving. If you go over the same patch of skin more than needed, you can cause more damage that could potentially lead to more ingrown hairs .
5. Change Razors Frequently
Another easy home remedy for ingrown hair prevention for people who shave is simply changing razors as often as you can. A sharp blade will help you both for warding off ingrown hairs and for avoiding nicks. If you always use a fresh, sharp blade, it means that you do not have to apply pressure to the skin. Therefore, you will not be causing any harsh friction or irritation that might result from it. A dull, clogged or – worst of all – rusty razor can be quite harmful and cause razor bumps or even an infection.
6. Don’t Rub, Pat!
Probably one of the most common reasons for ingrown hair is the way we treat our freshly shaved or waxed skin afterwards. Our general instinct is to rub our body with a towel after getting out of the shower, but you should know that this could lead to irritating your skin. If you have just removed hair from your legs, neck, facial or pubic area, you must gently pat the region with a soft towel, without applying pressure or causing friction. This is a simple method that can be a life-saver for frequent shavers.
To help ensure the safety of your skin, you want to be sure to apply a lotion or a moisturizer as well right after. When you do this, you give your skin an added layer of protection. Not only will your skin feel great after this, but the long term effects will have it looking great as well.
7. Tea is Terrific
One of the best home remedies for ingrown hair prevention is 100% natural and can most likely be found in your own cupboard. We’re talking about the wonderful elixir we call tea; both tea tree and black tea have proven to be amazing for these kinds of problems. Precisely tea tree oil is wonderful, as it comes packed with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial components that both treat and prevent various types of infection. You can add tea tree oil to distilled water or olive oil and apply it to the area two times a day for great results. Moreover, if you take black tea bags, let them set in hot water and then carefully rub on a freshly shaved area, you will find that your skin becomes less red and less irritated. Try adding some coconut water to the mix and repeat twice a day for fantastic results.
8. Cucumbers are Super Cool
Cucumbers are amazing due to the fact that they hydrate your skin and protect it from inflammation. They are also high in vitamin C and can help reduce irritation and pain. There are two delightful solutions for using cucumbers as ingrown hair preventers:
- Fresh – Slice up a raw cucumber and place the pieces in the refrigerator for roughly 30 minutes. After, you simply take them out and carefully rub the slices on the irritated region. If you have the time, repeat the process as frequently as possible on a daily basis for a couple of days.
- Puree – Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Take 1/3 cup of milk and half of a cucumber and mix them up, chilling the puree for around 5 minutes. Take a clean cloth and soak it in the substance, gently applying it to the area, afterwards rinsing. Take these steps two times a day until you begin to see improvements.
9. The Sweetest Treatment – Honey
Yes, we know how much you love honey in basically anything, from food and beverages to various healthcare products. The great news is that you can use honey to protect your skin from ingrown hair, as well. Honey is simply full of antibacterial goodies that act as a shield for your skin. As a bonus, honey is great for hydrating and calming your skin. The process is more than simple: directly apply honey to your inflamed area and let it dry by itself for roughly ten minutes, afterwards rinsing with cool water. Repeat 3-4 times daily as necessary, and then enjoy your super healthy skin.
Final Thoughts on How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs
Having to deal with ingrown hairs can be an absolute pain. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to prevent them from happening. The next time you find yourself shaving, be sure to try out some of these helpful methods. We are sure you will find that they will not only make your skin feel great, but they will allow you to have long term effects that you will love.